Fifth Sunday in Lent:  Holy Communion

NOTE:  This theme is best done on a Communion Sunday.  I encourage you to either add Communion on this day or switch this worship theme with one of the other ones in the series.

Introduction to the Worship Celebration
In the earliest years of the Christian Church, Lent was a time to learn about the Christian faith.  People new tot he faith would spend the 40 days of Lent fasting, praying, and studying, and then would be baptized on Easter.

We are reviewing some of the basic principles of our faith during these Sundays in Lent.  Today we celebrate the second of the two sacraments practiced by Lutherans--Holy Communion.


Lessons:  Isaiah 53. 4-6 (The servant of the Lord, Jesus, will be "wounded for our transgressions".)

               I Corinthians 11. 23-28  (Paul reminds us to examine ourselves in preparation for this sacrament.)

Gospel:   Matthew 26. 26-29  (Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper.)

Hymn Choices:  
                 What Feast of Love
                 For the Bread Which You Have Broken
                 Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
                 One Bread, One Body


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