Passion Sunday:  The Cross of Suffering

Introduction to the Worship Celebration
In the earliest years of the Christian Church, Lent was a time to learn about the Christian faith.  People new to the faith would spend the 40 days of Lent fasting, praying, and studying, and then would be baptized on Easter.

We are reviewing some of the basic principles of our faith during these Sundays in Lent. We conclude this series today by worshipping the Christ who suffered terribly on our behalf, known as the Suffering Servant.


Lessons:  Isaiah 53. 7-11 (The prophet Isaiah tells us centuries before that the Servant of the Lord, Jesus, would be killed for our sake.)

                    I Peter 2. 22-25  (Jesus' suffering set us free for life.)

Gospel:    John 19. 17, 16-19, 28-30  (The Crucifixion of our Lord.)

Hymn Choices:  
                  Beneath the Cross of Jesus
                  Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed
                  At the Foot of the Cross
                  Beneath the Cross of Jesus

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