General Information about Sabbaticals
What is a Sabbatical? The word “sabbatical” is rooted in the Hebrew word “Shabbat” which means “rest.” In Israel, the day of rest is the day of the week we call Saturday. They call that day “Shabbat.” The third commandment tells us to “remember the Sabbath day (Shabbat) and keep it holy.” In the ancient tradition, people and animals would work from dawn to dusk and rest on every seventh day; fields would be allowed to rest every seventh year. It was a way to keep the body, mind and soul healthy. In our busy American culture we usually work beyond the dawn-to-dusk work day and often neglect to really rest on the seventh day. Reclaiming the Sabbath and sabbaticals helps us get our needed rest so we can work in a healthier way and with a higher quality of performance. A sabbatical is a time to be released from normal duties so that the pastor may devote time to rest and renewal, then focused study and planning. Sabbaticals have long been a practice in the field of education and in recent years many businesses and congregations have also been implementing them. Why do we want our pastor to do this?
How does the congregation benefit from the pastor’s sabbatical?
What should be considered when offering a Sabbatical? The ELCA strongly promotes sabbaticals for its rostered ministers. In the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, we have a sabbatical policy for congregations which recommends offering a sabbatical every three to five years for one to three months. The standard used by most congregations in our synod is to offer three months every five years. Other particulars include:
This is a wonderful time for congregational lay leaders to step forward and take responsibility for the ministry and programs of the congregation while the pastor is gone. People with gifts for being worship assistants or preachers or for doing hospital and home visits or doing administration get an opportunity to really build those gifts. The sabbatical is an opportunity not only for the pastor, but for the whole congregation!
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