Form A - Employment Application Form
Form B - Reference Contact Form
Form C - Background Investigation Consent Form
Form D - Volunteer Application Form
Form E - Notification Of Ineligibility Form
Form F - Visiting Organization Form
Form G - Report Of Suspected Incident Of Child Sexual Abuse Form

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Employment Application Form (Form A) - [ TOP ]

(Confidential Upon Completion)


Name: ____________________________________________________________________

                        Last                                         First                             Middle


Are you over the age of 18?  _____ Yes        _____ No


Present address: ____________________________________________________________


City: ______________________________  State: ____________ Zip: __________________


Home Phone: ______________________________________________________________


Position applied for: ___________________________ Date available to start: ____________



Academic achievements: (Schools attended, degrees earned, dates of completion)



Continuing education completed: (Courses taken, dates of completion)




Professional organizations: (List any in which you have membership)



First aid training? ____ Yes    ____ No          Date completed: __________________________


CPR training? ____ Yes         ____ No          Date completed: __________________________


Previous Work Experience: Please list your previous employers during the past five years.  Include the job title, a description of position, duties and responsibilities, the name of the company/employer, the address of company/employer, the name of your immediate supervisor, and the dates you were employed in each position.






Previous Volunteer Experience: Please list any relevant volunteer positions you have held and list the duties you performed in each position, the name of your supervisor, the address and phone number of the volunteer organization, and the dates of your volunteer service.



Have you ever been convicted of or pled guilty to a crime, either a misdemeanor or a felony (including but not limited to drug-related charges, child sexual abuse, other crimes of violence, theft, or motor vehicle violations)?  _______ No   ________ Yes

If yes, please explain:



References: Please list three individuals who are not related to you by blood or marriage as references. 


1.         Name: _______________________________________________________________


            Address: _____________________________________________________________


            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________


            Length of time you have known reference: ___________________________________


            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________


2.         Name: _______________________________________________________________


            Address: _____________________________________________________________


            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________


            Length of time you have known reference: ___________________________________


            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________


3.         Name: _______________________________________________________________


            Address: _____________________________________________________________


            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________


            Length of time you have known reference: ___________________________________


            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________

(Employment Application Form (Form A) page 2)




Reference Contact Form (Form B) - [ TOP ]

(Confidential Upon Completion)


Applicant name: _____________________________________________________________


Reference Name: ____________________________________________________________


Reference Address: __________________________________________________________


Reference Phone: ___________________________________________________________



1.  What is your relationship to the applicant?



2.  How long have you known the applicant?



3.  How well do you know the applicant?



4.  How would you describe the applicant?



5.  How would you describe the applicantÕs ability to relate to children?



6.  How would you describe the applicantÕs ability to relate to adults?



7.  How would you describe the applicantÕs leadership abilities?



8.  Do you know of any characteristics that would negatively affect the applicantÕs ability to

     work with children?  If so, please describe.



9.  Please list any other comments you would like to make.




Reference inquiry completed by: ________________________________________________

                                                            Signature                                             Date





Background Investigation Consent Form (Form C) - [ TOP ]

(Confidential Upon Completion)


I, __________________________________, hereby authorize Peace Lutheran Church and its agents to make an independent investigation of my background, references, character, past employment, criminal or police records, including those maintained by both public and private organizations and all public records for the purpose of confirming the information contained on my application and/or obtaining other information which may be material to my qualifications for employment now and, if applicable, during the tenure of my employment with Peace Lutheran Church.


I release Peace Lutheran Church and/or its agents and any person or entity, which provides information pursuant to this authorization, from any and all liabilities, claims or law suits in regards to the information obtained from any and all of the above referenced sources used.


The following is my true and complete legal name and all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge:



                                                            Full Name (Printed)


__________________________________________________________________________                                                        Maiden Name or Other Names Used



Present Address                                                                                             How Long?



City/State                                                                                Zip



Former Address                                                                                             How Long?



City/State                                                                                Zip


______________        ___________________          ___________________          ___________

    Date of Birth            Social Security Number          DriverÕs License Number        State of Issue





Note:  The above information is required for identification purposes only, and is in no manner used as qualifications for employment. 





Volunteer Application Form (Form D) - [ TOP ]

(Confidential Upon Completion)

Name: _____________________________________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________________


Day phone: ______________________________    Evening phone: _____________________


Occupation: ______________________________ Employer: _________________________


Previous volunteer experience with children: _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Special interests/hobbies/skills: _________________________________________________


Why would you like to volunteer to work with children? _______________________________



What qualities do you have that would help you work with children? ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Have you ever been charged, convicted of, or pled guilty to a crime, either a misdemeanor or a felony (drug-related charges, child sexual abuse, or other crimes of violence)? 

 ______ No ____ Yes   If yes, please explain:



References: Please list three personal references (people who are not related to you by blood or marriage) and provide a complete address and phone information for each.


1.         Name: _______________________________________________________________

            Address: _____________________________________________________________

            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________

            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________


2.         Name: _______________________________________________________________

            Address: _____________________________________________________________

            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________

            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________


3.         Name: _______________________________________________________________

            Address: _____________________________________________________________

            Day Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone: ______________________

            Relationship to reference: ________________________________________________


Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________




Notification of Ineligibility Form (Form E) - [ TOP ]

(Confidential Upon Completion)


ApplicantÕs name: ____________________________________________________________


Date notified: _______________________________________________________________


Reason for ineligibility:













Signature Parish Relations Ministry Representative              Date



Signature Applicant                                                                 Date




Visiting Organization Form (Form F) - [ TOP ]


Peace Lutheran Church encourages the use of its facility by visiting organizations and opens its doors to organizations which need space for events involving children. To ensure the safety of all children, Peace Lutheran Church requires that visiting leaders abide by the Child Safety Governing Policy.


Name of Organization: ________________________________________________________


Date(s) facility will be used: ____________________________________________________


Anticipated number of participants: Children __________     Adults __________


We hereby acknowledge that we have reviewed this copy of Peace Lutheran ChurchÕs Child Safety Governing Policy, Procedures, Forms, and Training Materials.  We agree to provide a minimum of two adults for the duration of time that our organization uses Peace Lutheran ChurchÕs facility. 



Print Name of  Visiting Adult Participant # 1                Signature                                Date




Print Name of Visiting Adult Participant # 2                 Signature                                 Date




Signature Church Secretary Peace Lutheran Church                                              Date


The Church Secretary will retain this original document on file in the church office.  A copy may be provided to the visiting organization if requested.






Report of Suspected Incident of Child Sexual Abuse Form (Form G) - [ TOP ]


1.  Name of person observing or receiving

     disclosure of child sexual abuse: _____________________________________________


2.  VictimÕs name: ________________________ VictimÕs age/date of birth: _______________


3.  Date and place of initial conversation with/report from victim: ________________________



4.  VictimÕs statement (give your detailed summary here): _____________________________






5.  Name of person accused of abuse: ____________________________________________


6.  Relationship of accused to victim (paid staff, volunteer, family member, other):




7.  Date and time of report to Polk County Human Services: ___________________________


     Person spoken with: _______________________________________________________


     Summary of conversation:___________________________________________________






8.  Date and time of report to Parish Relations Ministry Chairperson: ____________________


     Date and time of report to Senior Pastor: _______________________________________


     Date and time of report to Church Council President: ______________________________


9.  Date and time of report to victimÕs parent/guardian: _______________________________


     Summary of conversation: __________________________________________________








      Signature of Person Making Report                                                                     Date


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