From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Ezekiel Lutheran Church, River Falls, Wisconsin
This file is available in: Word .doc, .rtf


In 1997 the "Child in Our Hands" vision for Discipleship ministry at Ezekiel started.  At the core of this vision for ministry is the goal to support families in the passing down of faith in the home from one generation to the next.  In Holy Baptism, parents, sponsors, family and congregational members promise to "teach the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments.  As they grow in years, you should place in their hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith."  ("Rite of Holy Baptism" LBW, page 121.)  It is the vision for Discipleship Ministries at Ezekiel for this congregation to support families in this very important baptismal promise.  It is the goal of the Discipleship Ministries of Ezekiel to provide each child, through the age of 18, a faith building gift to be given each year to support their family in this very important ministry.  In addition, it is the purpose of the Ezekiel Lutheran Church Resource Center to raise awareness and to help to provide these valuable faith-building resources.

Faith Chests are a place in the home where these and other faith building resources can be kept.  Through the generous gifts made by individuals, and through memorial gifts given in memory of individuals, we have started a "Child in Our Hands" fund to support this ministry.   The first gift given to a family at this time is The Beginner's Bible.  This gift is given to parents so they many begin reading the stories of God's action in human history as early in the life of their child as possible.

If you are interested in support this vision for ministry, you can first of all begin by passing down faith in your own home with your family and friends.  Second, worship, attend classes, and develop your own devotional life so that you can grow in your own faith.  Third, get involved in being a leader in a class for children, youth or adults.  And finally, consider giving a gift to support this ministry.  Gifts may be made out to the Child in Our Hands Fund c/o Ezekiel Lutheran Church.

For more information and directions for building Faith Chests, see

From Ezekiel Lutheran Church, River Falls, Wisconsin


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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center