You are scheduled to be a greeter on
______________________________________ at the
______________________ service.
- Be at the front door ready to greet people 15 minutes
before the start of worship.
- Wear your name tag.
- Tags for visitors are found in the shelf of the guest
book stand.
- Check to make sure the guest book is open and visitor
tags easily accessible.
- Greet everyone with a smile and a handshake.
Introduce yourself to visitors, request that they sign
the guest book and make sure they include their
- Report any visitors to Pastor. He will pass this on
to the Evangelism Committee, and they will be followed up
- Stand with Pastor at the close of the service while
he greets people. Have paper and pencil with you to help
Pastor as people tell him needs/requests.
Thank you for volunteering to be a greeter!
The Evangelism Committee