Pew Card - Welcome

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek, WI

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(NOTE: This is a pew card printed on card stock, two-sided, to help visitors feel welcomed)




"...a community of faith, empowered to know
Christ and to make Christ known.

Office 924-4881

Pastor Sam Kochel Home 924-2595
Pastor Keith Ruehlow Home 924-4436



Welcome to Chetek Lutheran Church. We are glad we can worship together. We pray that our worship will be meaningful and inspirational. As you leave, please sign the guest book to the left, outside the double doors. We care about you!


Handicap accessible restrooms are located on the lower level in the Fellowship Hall, just to the right of the east entrance and in the education wing in the lower level-southwest corner. Restroom signs are well marked.


Our community of faith gathers on Sunday mornings at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM during the school year for worship. Memorial Weekend through Labor Day, the worship services are at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. We use the "Lutheran Book of Worship" (Green) and "With One Voice" (Dark Blue) with liturgy in the front and hymns in the back of both worship books. A bulletin is provided to assist you in finding the hymns and liturgy of the Church. Printed in the bulletin are the symbols "P" which refers to the page number in the front of the worship books and the "#" symbol which refers to the hymn number at the back of the worship books.


The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. The communion table is the Lord's Table and is open to all baptized Christians. You do not have to be a member of Chetek Lutheran Church to come to the table. Holy Communion may be received kneeling or standing at the Altar rail or at the two stations to the right or left. Please proceed up the center aisle and return by the side aisles. Again, all baptized Christians are welcome!


The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated at the request of the family and/or the individual. There are pre-baptismal classes taught by our pastors. For scheduling a baptism or additional information, please contact one of the pastors or call the church office at 924-4881.

Continued on the back


We of Chetek Lutheran Church encourage all families to worship together as a sign of our baptism into the family of God. We also know that there are times when a nursery is needed. During the later Worship Service, the nursery is staffed by volunteer members of the church and is open to children five years old and younger.


All members and visitors are encouraged to participate in Christian Education. Sunday School classes for all ages beginning at age three are held between worship services, September through May. Vacation Bible School is held in June or August.

The adult classes meet Sunday mornings. Bible Study, faith and social issues, and parenting are some of the classes offered by Chetek Lutheran Church.


Members and visitors are encouraged to come to the Narthex, September through May and to the Fellowship Hall during the summer between worship services for a time of sharing life together. Coffee and refreshments are served by volunteers.


New member classes are offered twice a year, in the fall and in the spring. If you are interested in becoming a member of Chetek Lutheran Church, please contact one of the pastors or call the church office. We accept members through baptism, confirmation, letter of transfer or release, or by reaffirmation of faith.


Our newsletter, "The Parish Visitor" is published once a month. There is a Pastoral Reflections article prepared by one of the pastors plus articles that inform you of what will take place in the life and ministry of our congregation and events for the coming month. Copies are available above the guest book. If you would like to be placed on our mailing list, please contact the church office, 924-4881.


Youth Groups, Women of the Church, Quilting for local missions and Lutheran World Relief, Men's Fellowship Breakfast, New Life and community outreach are all listed in the weekly schedule in the bulletin or the "Visitor". For additional information, contact the church office, 924-4881.


The Chetek Lutheran Congregation held their first meeting on January 24, 1883 with 154 members. Today, our Congregation hosts 1,200 members.

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