Worship Stickers

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

English Lutheran Church, Chippewa Falls, WI

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Our Worship Liturgy for Holy Communion

Worship is a special time for us to be together with God. In the Bread of Life Service we remember that God feeds us his Word and fills us with Himself. We can go home filled with His goodness and love.

Confession and Forgiveness (With One Voice, p. 10)

We begin in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We tell God we are sorry for our sin. God forgives us ..........................

Bread of Life Service (With One Voice, pp. 28-41)

Entrance Hymn ...............................................................…….....…
Greeting - The pastor tells us that God is surely here with all of us.
We answer: "And also with you." ....................................….........
Kyrie - We sing "Lord have mercy" to tell Jesus we know he is
our loving God and Lord ........................................................….
Hymn of Praise - Like the Bethlehem angels we sing a joyful
hymn praising the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ..............................
Prayer of the Day - We ask God for what we need most today ....

Readings - We hear one or more messages of God talking to us
from the Bible ..................................................................………..
Gospel - Pastor reads from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John in the
Bible. Since news about Jesus is so important, we stand up, sing
Alleluia and other words of glory and praise ..................................
Children's Sermon - On most Sundays this is time for children
to come up for a special message ...................................................
Sermon - The preacher talks about what the Bible readings tell
us about Jesus and how we can be like him ....................................
Hymn of the Day - We sing a hymn that helps us think about
the Bible message we have just heard .............................................
Creed - We say together the things we believe about God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit ...........................….
Prayers - We pray for people all over the world.
After each part we say "Hear our prayer" or
" your mercy is great." At the end we all say "Amen"
to show we all agree on the prayers and really mean them .............

Peace - Pastor reminds us that God gives us his peace.
We remind him back saying "And also with you."
Then we share peace with everyone around us by shaking hands
and sometimes giving hugs ..............................................................
Offering - We give ourselves and our money to show we love and
care for God's people. At the end we stand up and sing about that....
Offertory Prayer - We pray to God about giving back to him some
of what he has given us. What's the best thing we give back to God?
Loving him more than anything ................................……................
Great Thanksgiving – We join the whole creation to thank God
for sending us Jesus, singing the same words people sang when
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey ..............................................
Lord's Prayer - We pray together the meal-time prayer that Jesus
taught us. We call God "Our Father" because he loves us so much
and takes care of us ................................................……...................
Holy Communion - When we eat this bread and drink this wine,
Jesus becomes part of us and makes us new. We sing songs while
everybody has a turn to come up front and receive this love ..............
Blessing, Song and Prayer - Pastor reminds us that Holy
Communion makes us strong and brings us God's love and
forgiveness. We sing a song to say thank you to God. We pray that
we will always be a part of Jesus and he will be a part of us .............


Blessing and Dismissal - Pastor gives us God's blessing to get us
ready to go out. We go out stronger and with our sins forgiven. We
are ready to share God's love with everyone, wherever we go..........

Where in the church year are we? Here is a kind of clock that shows the Sundays in the church year. Where in the clock are we this Sunday? (Clues; look at the first page of the adult bulletin. Look at the colors of the paraments or cloths on the altar. Listen to what people are saying and singing about.) Draw a clock hand pointing to this Sunday.



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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center