All Saint's Day Banners

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Carol, Administrative Assistant at Concordia Lutheran Church, Superior, WI

All Saint's Day Banners

Here at Concordia, for the past 3 years, we have really "gone the distance" on All Saint's Sunday, preparing a banner for each person being memorialized. Some of the ladies prepare the banners - they're about 9 x 15 inches - "pillowcasing" some inexpensive white fabric (a sheet?) and leaving a rod pocket at the top for a dowel. Then I prepare iron-on transfers which are then ironed on to the banner. Yarn or colored string is attached so that these banners may each be hung on a pole.

This pole is a longer, thicker dowel with an eye hook screwed into one end. These then are put into a long board which has had holes drilled in it. One of the members of the congregation actually routered and finished a display board for fits right along the communion rail.

On All Saint's Sunday, all of the banners are brought in by procession, often with a family member holding their loved one's banner, and placed at the altar rail. It is quite a visual display! Family members are encouraged to take their banner home.


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