They Went Out and Got Into the Boat

From the Open Files of:

Heilig Resource Center, 704/633-4861

Contributed by:

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chapel Hill, NC

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John 21:2


Our Lord invites to his table all who believe he is present in this meal to offer forgiveness and new life.  When we commune, wine may be received from the common cup or from an individual glass by extending your hand.  Grape juice is available by extending your left index finger.  Return the glass to the trays at the end of the rail.  For those who have difficulties in handling them, the glass may be left on the rail.  Children are invited to the altar for a blessing.

Please complete a census card!  Visitors if you wish a record of your communion sent to your home church, please give us its name and address.

Song Without Words                                                


Order for Confession

Youth:  Now in the presence of God and each other, let us ask God's forgiveness for all our sins.  For not trusting the Holy Spirit's guidance in our lives.
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness
Youth:  For turning our backs on our brothers and sisters when they need
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness.
Youth:  For being too busy to stop and give thanks every day,
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness.
Youth:  For not being living witnesses of the new life in Jesus Christ,
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness.
Youth:  For not realizing that you alone are the way, the truth, and the life,
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness.
Youth:  For these and all other sins which we may not be aware of,
Cong:  Father, we ask your forgiveness.
Youth:  As children of God, let us ask Him for the ability to be more aware of his saving power in our lives.
Cong:  Give us the ability, O God, to remember our Baptism when we first became your children.  Give us the ability to understand that your grace alone assures us of our salvation.  In the spirit of Christian unity through Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord.
Youth:  Our Loving Father grants to us, being sorry for our sins, forgiveness in the cross and resurrection of Jesus the Christ.  Go forth now, renewed, restored, and forgiven that you may once again serve God and humankind.
All:      Amen.
Entrance Hymn: Awesome God        Richard Mullins     (adapt. HTLC Youth Group)                                                                                                    

Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, pow'r and love
Our God is an awesome God.

Our God is an awesome God
His love surrounds us all.
He loves you big or small
Our God is an awesome God.

Our God is an awesome God
His song is for everyone,
A song for old and young
Our God is an awesome God.

Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, pow'r and love
Our God is an awesome God.

Our God is an awesome God,
Our God is an awesome God,
Our God is an awesome God,

Prayer of the Day

First Lesson        Acts 9:1-20

Psalm 30

Second Lesson     Revelation 5:11-14

The Verse                   Open Our Eyes            Robert Cull

Open our eyes Lord, We want to see Jesus,
To reach out and touch Him,
And say that we love Him,
Open our eyes, Lord, And help us to listen;
Open our eyes, Lord, We want to see Jesus.

Gospel              John 21:1-14

Adult Sermon               Youth Advisors

Hymn of the Day          Jesus My Lord            John Fischer


Have you seen Jesus, my Lord?
He's here in plain view.
Take a look, open your eyes;
He'll show it to you.

(1)           Have you ever looked at the sunset
With the sky mellowin' red,
And the clouds suspended like feathers?
Then, I say (pause) you've seen Jesus, my Lord.

(2)           Have you ever stood at the ocean
With the white foam at your feet,
Felt the endless thunderin' motion?
Then, I say (pause) you've seen Jesus, my Lord.
(3)       Have you ever looked at the cross
With a man hangin' in pain,
And the look of love in His eyes?
Then, I say (pause) you've seen Jesus, my Lord.
(3)           Have you ever stood in the family
With the Lord there in your midst;
Seen the face of Christ on each other?
Then, I say (pause) you've seen Jesus, my Lord.

Children's Sermon                        Youth Group

The Creed

Youth: Let us know join together in affirming our belief in Christ Jesus.
Cong: I believe in the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.  I believe that behind the clouds of life shines the love of God.  I believe that God has purpose for the world and a purpose for my life.  I believe that God wills the blessedness of all lives and of every single life.  I believe that Jesus Christ saves life from the power of sin, sorrow, and death.  I believe in the life-giving power and grace of the Holy Spirit.  I believe that through faith, prayer, and sacrament I can live the life which is meant for me.  I believe that God calls my life to love and service.  I believe that through Christ, life leads at last to the fullness of goodness, truth and beauty.  I believe in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.   Amen.


Special Music               Follow Me

The Prayers of God's Church

Prayer of Consecration

Lord's Prayer

Youth:  Power of the universe and lover of each of us who can be seen here on earth in the power of the tides, in the support of the troubled, in the beauty of nature and in human love.
Cong: Our Father who art in heaven
Youth:  You are the great God.  We give you all honor and praise.
Cong: Hallowed by the name.
Youth:  Into our lives and loves, our troubles and failures.  Into the hearts of all our human brothers and sisters.
Cong: Thy kingdom come.
Youth:  You are God-your will, not mine, be done.
Cong: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Youth:  Give us the strength to help one another through today.
Cong: Give us this day our daily bread.
Youth:  Forgive us for not loving other people. 
Forgive us for not trusting you. 
Forgive us even for those sins we don't understand.
Cong: And forgive us our trespasses.
Youth: Help us forgive others when they hate us or hurt us.
Cong: As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Youth: Keep us from returning anger for anger.
Keep us from forgetting you.
Help us do what we know we should.
Cong: And lead us not into temptation.
Youth: Rescue us from selfishness and hatred, from war and pollution.
Cong: But deliver us from evil.
Youth: Everything in the universe.
Cong: For thine is the kingdom.
Youth: Your love is the greatest power of all.
Cong: And the power
Youth: In music and the mighty sea.
            In flowers and friends
            In love, faith, peace
Cong: And the glory
Youth: Today, tomorrow, and always.
Cong: Forever and ever
ALL:   Amen.

Holy Communion

Distribution                  One Bread, One Body (With One Voice, #710)

Sharing of God's Peace


Closing Hymn              Amazing Grace

(1)           Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found;
Was blind, but now I see.
(2)           Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
(3)           Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
It's grace that brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
(4)           When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright, shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun.
(5)           Amazing Grace!  How warm the sound
That gave new life to me.
He will my shield and portion be,
His word my hope secures.

Postlude              Awesome God


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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center