Bibles for Children

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Bethany Lutheran Church, Negaunee, MI

Many congregations give Bibles to their young people. Bethany Lutheran of Negaunee also has this wonderful tradition!

This activity serves many purposes.

Most importantly this event gives the congregation an opportunity to place the Holy Scriptures into the hands of our children.

Through gifts from memorial monies, Bibles were purchased for children in preschool through 5th grade, as well as the seventh and eighth grade confirmation students.

At Bethany Lutheran, three different "Bible Sundays" were held. Each Sunday featured a particular age group and the age appropriate bible.

During the presentation of Bibles the children, and at least one parent or sponsor, come forward to receive a Bible. The Bible is placed in the hands of the parent/sponsor who then places the Bible into the hands of the eager child.

Preschool through 2nd grade receive The Beginner's Bible published by Zondervan. The "bible" is a collection of the stories from the Bible that have appealed to children for centuries. On every page (all 526) of this Bible there is a colorful picture depicting a treasured biblical story. This is a great Bible for the younger child who enjoys pictures and listening to Mom, Dad, or a grandparent read. The print is large and the stories are told in short sentences that are perfect also for the beginning reader.

Our 3rd through 5th graders receive the Children's Illustrated Bible, the contemporary English Version. This Bible also has colorful pictures. Its language is less contemporary which makes it easier for the young reader to understand, yet is not too simple for the growing reader. This Bible will appeal to many ages.

Confirmation students are given the Study Bible: The New Student Bible (Augsburg Fortress).

This is a New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). The appeal of this Bible is that many congregations use this version in Sunday worship service. This study Bible has much more to offer. For example, it offers the basic information that a good study Bible offers; plus it has "the 3-track Reading Plan" for the daily scripture reader (or occasional reader). The study helps in this Bible offer introductions to each book of the Bible, insights, profiles of biblical people, and highlights. The language and the print type of these study helps are contemporary.

At Bethany, on the Sunday the bibles are presented, the following is read: On the day you were baptized, the community of faith..........the community of God's people.......promised to nourish you, worship and teach you the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. Today we place in your hands the Holy Scriptures. This is in keeping with the covenant of your baptism.

After the parents and/ or sponsors have placed the Bible in the hands of of the children a prayer is read. The congregation stands and together make a public confession of faith.


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