Senior Recognition Rite

From the Open Files of:

Eastern North Dakota Resource Center , 701-232-3180

Contributed by:

Mayville Lutheran Church, Mayville, ND

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Senior Recognition Rite

This morning it is our joy to give special recognition to some young people of our congregation who are graduating from high school this year. Please come forward as I read your names.

Dear Friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

As Christians, you have been called to let your light shine so that others may see your good works and give glory to God. Wherever you go you are to be a reflection of God's care and concern. We, your fellow members of the body of Christ that gathers here at Mayville, want to mark this significant time of change in your lives as you complete your high school days. We want to pray for you and give you our blessings.

In Second Timothy read, "You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for the truth, but will fill up instead on spiritual junk food, catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They will turn their backs and chase mirages. As for you, keep your eye on what you are doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the message of God's love alive; and do a thorough job as God's servant using the abilities God has given you."

These are great days for you, and therefore also for your church family because we share in the events of each other's lives. Speaking on behalf of your church family I want, first of all, to thank you for the ways you have enriched this family of faith during your years of growing up. Your presence among us has been a gift.

And we also trust that the values and goals for your lives have been shaped in positive ways through your relationships with God's people at Mayville Lutheran.

We also hope you've come to know a deep sense of belonging in God's house. But most of all we pray that you have deepened your relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
These past years you have led us in worship, served the congregation in many ways: ushering, lectoring, greeting, trumpeting, raking, cooking, teacher, to name just a few.

In Sunday School and Confirmation you learned about your faith. You went from coloring Bible pictures to meditative prayer; from memorizing verses with your teacher to discussing faith issues with a mentor.

You've played Hide and Go Seek in the Mega Mall, competed with one another in Foosball, Spoons, Bandy, and spitting for distance.

You have constructed hundreds of sub sandwiches, mystery tripped into the unknown, hung from cliffs, tipped over canoes, and progressively dined around the Mayport area a couple of times. All of this boils down to one affirmation and one piece of advice.

The affirmation: Know that you are loved. Your church family is here for you.
The advice: Don't let your faith grow dull. Keep it alive and seeking.
The gift: To help you keep your faith alive we want to give you a book of your choosing. Let it be a reminder of our continuing affection for you. Take it with you and know that wherever you may go, whatever you may do, our prayers follow you and our love surrounds you.
We congratulate you on this big step in your lives.

Let us pray.
Ever renewing God, you have called your servants to the adventure of life, of which we cannot see the ending, and along a path which no one else has traveled; with problems and cares we cannot anticipate. Give these young saints courage for life and supply them with faith and assurance that you are always with them and that through your Holy Spirit, you will guide and support them. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

May God always have you believe the truth about yourself, no matter how beautiful it is.

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