Service of Farewell to the Farm

From the Open Files of:

Eastern North Dakota Resource Center, 701-232-3180

Contributed by:

Church Writers Group, Minot, ND

This file is available in
Rich Text Format version for editing





Church Writers Group                                                                                           
105 28th St. SW
Minot ND 58701-3359

March 1999

Dear Friends:

            We are a Church Writers Group living in the midst of the rural crisis. We deeply feel the anguish of those farm families who will have to give up farming and leave their homes. Lisa F., one of our group, went through that experience during the drought of about ten years ago. Her poem that relives that loss is in the enclosed SERVICE OF FAREWELL TO FARM. All of us are very close to the problem through our families, rural ministry or the business of farming.

            It came to us that there should be an occasional service of a "funeral" for the grieving persons who have lost the farm or at least have to leave the farm for other work. We are sending this service to you for use in your synod, diocese, district, institution or parishes.

            We do not have the funds or the ability to print and send hundreds of copies of this service to individual parishes of several denominations. The need of the Service of Farewell to Farm is immediate. Therefore, we are mailing this liturgy to you who may be willing to let your parishes know that this is available by request from your headquarters. This method of distribution would reduce the number of copies needed.

            We give you permission without charge to copy and use this service as long as you enclose the "Guide for Use of the Service of Farewell to Farm" with it. The guide can clarify and give ideas of how to use this Service. If you need to cut you could leave out HELPFUL TEXTS, HYMN SUGGESTIONS and FARM PRAYERS. Even though these parts are a convenience, the pastors can research this for themselves. Use and distribute this service in any way you see helpful to grieving people.

Sincerely in Christ,

Constance B.
Lisa F.
Marvin H.
Steven S.




            We are gathered here to recall the purpose for which God created the human being; to confess our failure as a human race to fulfill God's purpose and to pray for hope that God's purpose and to pray for hope that God's purpose may be restored. Hear then the word of the Lord:

            Read Genesis 2:7-8

            Because God's good creation has become infected by sin we have not fulfilled the purpose for which God created us. The love we were meant to have for God's creation has degenerated into rebellion against God; the love we were meant to have for one another has degenerated into blaming, even those whom we love most. In our despair we cry out to God:

            Read Psalm 88 or another lament psalm appropriate for the occasion

            Hope and healing begin when we honestly confess to God all that we have done or left undone that has destroyed the good life God has given us, and turn to God in prayer.

            Read responsively Psalm 51:1-12 or Psalm 32:1-5

            Our Lord is merciful, and in his great love, God forgives us all our sins. As forgiven children of God we are a new creation. We live in the hope that God's purpose for creation may be restored and God's will may be done, on earth now, and in the kingdom of heaven forever. Hear the Word of the LORD:

            Read the Parable of the Sower: Mark 4:3-9

            LORD GOD, in your great love you made us your children and sent us out into the garden to till it and keep it according to your purpose.  We have failed in your purpose, Lord God.  We have failed because of forces beyond our control; we have failed because of our short-sightedness; we have failed because of decisions we have made that cannot be undone.

            Restore to us your love, O Lord. Restore us in hope. Restore to us the dignity that was there at the beginning of creation when you made us tillers of the earth. Give us courage now to go on with our lives; give us faith to believe you are with us in all that we do; help us trust that you are calling us and guiding us in new ways, and no matter where we are or what we do, your seed will bear fruit according to your will. AMEN

HYMN             "Lord of All Hopefulness"




            Invitation to family members to pray out loud or silently

            Almighty God, words cannot express all we feel today. We feel loss, anxiety and pain. Help us as we look to the future. Help us to hold on to the hope that you give us as we look ahead. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


HYMN             "Praise and Thanksgiving"


            Go out into the world in peace; have courage; hold on to what is good; return no person evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the suffering; honor all people; love and serve the Lord rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.  AMEN


Let Go: A Prayer of Relinquishment

When I was hanging on to this farm
With fingernails brittle from
Three summers of drought,
Muscles aching from trying to massage
The pain of impending loss
Out of my husband and from clinging to hope after hope,

God whispered, "Let go."

When I told myself to hold on
Until I could figure out how
My resourcefulness could save us,
How I could work harder, longer,
Could be better, smarter,
(though I raided my sons'
birthday money to buy milk)

God said, "Let go.  I will catch you."

When tears large enough
To collapse dams
Rolled down my sons' cheeks
As we told them we had to
Leave the farm
And I wailed a lament deep enough
For years of echoes,

God murmured, "Rest now.  I will cradle you."

When we made our plans
For a life after farming,
Packed up our belongings
In a grain truck,
But hesitated at the threshold,

God said, "Open the door. I will accompany you."

God is the God of all geography,
Not just this place,
Not just this piece of land
Not just this household.
Close the door. Let go of the doorknob.
Fall into God's arms to weep
And when you are emptied of every tear,
Take God's hand and hear,

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you,
Even unto the ends of the earth."

By Lisa Swanson Faleide

            Poem above reproduced with permission from "Sing Out New Visions," edited by Jean Martens, copyrighted by National Council of Churches, 1998.  (Available from Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1-800-328-4648.  Product code 69-9791 6-0001-0597-5.)  If this poem is used in print form it must be accompanied by the author's name and the copyright information in this paragraph.



            Gracious God, you have given us many friends and neighbors and family to help us through the bad times.  We pray for understanding in this time of difficulty and we look to you for a sense of peace as we struggle in our livelihood.  Be within us to refresh us; be around us to protect us; be before us to guide us; be above us to bless us and beneath us to hold us up for you are the one true God who reigns above all.  Amen.


            The loss of the farm or farming is like a death of a loved one.  Grief is a major response to a loss. Most will feel a sense of failure, shame and anger even though circumstances were against them. Let them know that their feelings are normal. Without a resolution of this loss they will find it difficult to get on with life after the farm. Grief is a gift from God to heal the mourner.

            Do what fits the family and is comfortable for you. It could also be used at the closure of a main street business or when a long term worker who has to move to find work. This guide suggests some options and clarifications of the liturgy. Since there are many activities that could be done to say farewell to the farm, a planning meeting with some of the family is needed.

            SERVICE OF FARWELL TO FARM is a project of a North Dakota Church Writers Group. All have farm backgrounds, have or are serving rural parishes and know parishioners or family who are struggling to stay on the farm. The group consists of : Constance Berg of Grand Forks, Lisa Faleide of Maddock (she and her family once had to leave their farm due to drought), Rev. Steven Schou of Granville and Rev. Marvin L. Holje of Minot. Together they recognized a need for a "funeral" to leave the farm behind. If you wish to contact this Writers Group, write Marvin L. Holje, 105 28th St. SW, Minot ND 58701-3359 or call 701-839-1138.


            The definition of family is up to them. You have to limit the number for this intimate worship at home. The guests might include some non-related friends. Keep in mind the older generation that once lived on this place. Use a special room of the home. For many farm families that might be the kitchen.


            This is a time to explain something of the nature and process of God's healing grief so the family understands that how they feel is normal in a loss. Your words will help lead them into the story sharing time.


            You need to help the family share their stories of life on the farm and hopes for the future. One thing that could be done is to have each member bring some small memento of the farm to take along with them to their new home. This could be a stone, tool, picture, letter, poem, etc. to put into a nice box. This ritual could be a "Show and Tell" to bring forth memories and feelings to share.


            Holy Communion may be celebrated in the place where the family most commonly eats dinner. The bread that the family normally uses for meals, whether homemade or from the store, should be used. The wine may be homemade also, but if none is available the pastor can bring communion wine from the church. The family may sit around the table in the places they normally take for meals together. If it's practical the members of the family can pass the bread and wine around the table and commune each other.

            The following is a sample Eucharistic prayer. There is also a good one in the Lutheran Book of Worship Occasional service Book, page 84.

           Blessed are you, Lord God, king of the universe. You have created us and all living things, earth and sea and all their creatures, sun and rain and all that you make to grow from them. You have given us seed to sow upon the earth so that you may feed us with grain, fruit, bread and wine, food for our bodies and nourishment for our souls.

            We remember your Son Jesus who showed your mighty power among us by breaking twelve loaves of bread and feeding 5000 men; filling six jars of water and pouring out wine for the wedding guests. We remember your Son Jesus, who invited the poor, the lame, and the blind to come to him: who welcomed even little children to sit with him in his kingdom.

            We remember how, on the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread and gave thanks; broke it and gave it to his disciples saying: "Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me." Again after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me."

            Lord Jesus Christ, as you were lifted upon the cross for our sake, so we now lift this bread and cup in thanksgiving to you for all your blessings. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we may follow you as you lead us from this holy table.  Amen.

            The Lord's Prayer is prayed together.

            The family members commune one another.


            This is like going to the cemetery for burial and committal in order to bring a closure to the loss. Pastor and family may plan ahead what they might do on this walkabout. It could bring up more stories or just let the family silently have their private feelings and thoughts. It would seem appropriate to have a prayer before going in for lunch.


            This is a very important thing to do. It's "the lunch" after the funeral. It is a time to relax and enables a return to a more hopeful feeling. Ask the family to prepare foods and drinks that are special to them. It might be popcorn. If it is summer, the fellowship eating could be a picnic outside.

            Pictures might be taken after lunch. The pastor could snap the pictures. If they don't have a camera, ask them to buy a disposable one.


Ps. 8, Ps. 23, Ps. 121, Ps. 137

Mt. 5:1-12, Mt. 6:25-34, Mt. 7:7-12, Mt. 8:23-27, Mt. 10:26-31, Mt. 11:28-30, Mt. 13:44-45, Mt. 28:16-20

Mk. 12:41-44

Jn. 13:1-16, Jn.14:25-27, Jn.17:13-26, Jn.20:19-23

Ro. 5:1-15, Ro. 8:18-39

I Co. 13:1-13, II Co. 4:7-18, Php. 4:4-13, Heb. 11:1-12

Jas. 1:2-4, I Jn. 3:1-3, Rev. 3:19-22, Rev. 21:1-7


For the Beauty of the Earth (LBW), Great is Thy Faithfulness (WOV), Precious Lord, Take my Hand (WOV), Amazing Grace (LBW), Beautiful Savior (LBW), How Great Thou Art (LBW), Healer of Our Every Ill (WOV), Day By Day (WOV), O God, Our Help in Ages Past (LBW), My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (LBW), He Leadeth Me (LBW), Abide With Me (LBW), What a Friend We Have in Jesus (LBW), Thy Holy Wings (WOV), Praise and Thanksgiving (LBW)

            LBW - Lutheran Book of Worship                        WOV - With One Voice


            Oh, Lord, we thank you for the chance to gather to celebrate our heritage, to celebrate our life and to celebrate the future. We are anxious and feel loss, but we are hopeful in your love. Bless us in our transition, bless our church, community and this land. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

            Gracious God, we regret our loss. Our loss of the land, of our lifestyle and what is familiar to us. But at the death of our Lord Jesus, you also experienced deep loss. Grant us hope for the future, peace for today and good memories of yesterday. In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.

            Almighty God, you alone can know what we feel when our words are too painful to speak. Help us today to go out into the world in peace. Help us to have courage as we face tomorrow. Help us support the weak, the suffering and all people as we serve you. Help us to forgive others and ourselves and ease the pain of anger. We rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


            The Church Writer's Group does not have the money to send this liturgy to all the rural parishes of the Great Plains. Not every parish needs it. This service should be distributed soon. Therefore, they are sending copies of this service to Synod, District, Diocesan offices and institutions. If they sense a need for it in their area, the Writers give their permission, without charge, provided that the guide is included, to make it available to the parishes which could use it. This liturgy can easily be adapted to any denomination.

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