From the Open Files of: Eastern North Dakota Synod
Contributed by: Rev. Matthew Short
This file is available in: Word .doc, .rtf

730 27TH ST N., FARGO, ND 58102
TELEPHONE 232-8613

Guided and nurtured by God’s love, our mission is
to extend fellowship, serve our community, and spread God’s Word.

Sunday, October 22, 2006 Worship 9:00am


Gather (Joel 2:15-16)
*Confession & Forgiveness (1 John 1:8-9)……………………………LBW p. 56
*Opening Dialogue
P: In the beginning, God’s creation song began with a simple note.
C: The Spirit of God hovered over the waters.
P: With Word and breath, the song of life began.
C: Throughout the ages it continues on.
P: That song of love surrounds us now.
C: We hear it, feel it, and sing along.
P: Come, join the dance of Trinity.
C: And lose yourself in the song.
P: Today, we celebrate the gift of praise and thanksgiving.
C: O Lord, open our lips, that our mouths may declare your
praise. (Psalm 51:15)
*Hymn……………………“Let the Whole Creation Cry”.....….…..….LBW 242
P: Today, we give thanks for the generations of Christians who
have come before us.
C: We praise you for their faithfulness and their vision.
P: Today, we give thanks for all those who worked so hard to
create The Lutheran Book of Worship
C: We praise you for their faithfulness and their vision.
P: We give thanks to you for every pair of hands that have held
these books.
C: For your praise goes on from generation to generation.
P: We give thanks to you for thirty years of Lutheran Worship
C: For your praise goes on from generation to generation.
P: And so today, we continue to sing your praise…
*Hymn…………………“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”..….…....….LBW 543
Prayer of the Day
God of grace, we give thanks to you today for the gifts of worship and music. May they strengthen our faith, fill us with hope, and give us a glimpse of the joy you have in store for us. We pray all this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Hear (1 Timothy 4:11-15)
Scripture Readings………………………………………...............……… (see insert)
L: The Word of the Lord, C: Thanks be to God!
*Alleluia (John 6:68)………………………………………........……....….…...LBW p62
Sermon…….……………………………………………............…Pastor Matthew Short
Hymn of the Day……”The Church of Christ, in Every Age”….…LBW #433
P: Today, we claim and test our heritage. Today, the Spirit leads us
from one generation of praise to the next. Today, we will rise to
meet the bold new future God is preparing for us.
C: Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word.
P: As we give thanks for the praise of one generation, we embrace
the praise of the next generation. Indeed, Psalm 102 says, “Let
this moment be recorded for a generation to come…
C: …so that a people yet unborn will praise the Lord.”
(Psalm 102:18)


P: Let us pray… C: Amen.
P: The psalms tell us that we are to “sing to the Lord a new song…
C: …for he has done marvelous things.” (Psalm 98:1)
P: And so today, we step into the future of Lutheran worship. We
give thanks to you, Lord, the faithfulness and vision of those
who prepared the ELW, that we might sing a new song to you.
We praise you for the many hands that will hold these books in
the years to come, and we pray that you make us good
stewards of your gifts of worship and praise.
C: We, your people, the flock of your pasture, will give thanks
to you forever. From generation to generation, we will sing
your praise. (Psalm 79:13)
P: Let us continue to sing God’s praise as we stand and sing…
*Hymn………………...”Earth and All Stars!” (vs.1,2,5).....….…….ELW #731
Apostles’ Creed...…………………………………………….............………...ELW p105
Prayers of the Church (1 Timothy 2:1-2)……………..………………...ELW p106

Sharing the Peace (Matthew 5:23-34)
Offering our Gifts to God and God’s Mission
*Offertory Hymn………...”Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful”……….ELW #182
Offertory Prayer
Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what
you have first given us; our selves, our time, and our
possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them
for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.

Great Thanksgiving (Psalm 136)…………………………………………..….ELW p144
Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:3, Matthew 21:9)…………………………..ELW p144
Word of Institution (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4)….………………….…ELW p145
“Lamb of God” (John 1:29)………………………………........……………..ELW p146
*Post Communion Blessing C: Amen.
“Thankful Hearts and Voices Raise” (Psalm 105:1-3, 42-45)…ELW #204

Send (John 20:21)
Benediction (Numbers 6:22-27)
Sending Hymn………………”Soli Deo Gloria”….…………….............ELW #878
Dismissal (Luke 7:50)

Presiding Minister:
Communion Assistant:
Altar Preparations:


ELW: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Cranberry cover)
LBW: Lutheran Book of Worship (Green cover)
* : Please stand if you are able
# : Indicates hymn found in back of hymnals
p : Indicates pages in the front of hymnals
insert: A separate sheet found inside the bulletin


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