An Order of Service for Men and Women Mobilized or Deployed

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An Order of Service for Men and Women Mobilized or Deployed

This order is designed for use with persons mobilized from the National Guard or the Reserves, or deployed in active service to go to combat or other engagement where they face danger and conflict.

This service is for use within a regularly scheduled service of worship. If it is used separately, it should follow appropriate praise and prayer, scripture readings, and sermon. When such a service takes place on a military base or is led by a military chaplain, the chaplain should make use of appropriate prayers and orders of service suited to all who will be involved, including those provided in The Armed Forces Hymnal.

The sign of the cross may be traced on the forehead at the place marked (+).
As a response to the Word or at some other appropriate place in a service of public worship, the pastor invites the person(s) preparing to be sent out to come and stand before the congregation. Family members of the person about to be deployed may also be invited to join him or her. Then the pastor says these or similar words:
Brothers and sisters in Christ, today we want to bless and pray for name(s), who will be leaving to serve this country in a place of conflict.

Here the pastor or chaplain may share briefly any particular details that set the context for this call to specific military service. The person(s) may either remain standing or kneel for the commendation and blessing. The pastor/chaplain (joined by family members and members of the congregation) then lays hands on the head of the person says these or similar words:

The nations are in an uproar, the kingdoms totter;
God utters his voice, the earth melts.
The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our refuge.

(Psalm 46:6-7, NRSV adapted)
2 Corinthians 5:6-10 We are always confident while we are away
1 Peter 5: 6-8a, (8b-9), 10-11 Discipline yourselves, keep alert... God will restore, support and strengthen you.
Hebrews 12:14-15 Pursue peace with everyone. . . . See to it . . .that no root of
bitterness springs up and causes trouble.

Psalm 121 The LORD is your keeper...[God] will keep your life.

Name(s), we commend you to God in this time of danger and the dark shadowed valley.
May the blessing of God, sustain you with courage and faith.
May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, (+) defend and keep you in the face of all temptation.
May the breath of the Holy Spirit fill you and bring you home safely.

After the commendation and blessing, the pastor may assure the person(s) of the prayers of the congregation (and of the congregation's care and support for his/her family), concluding with extemporaneous prayer or with the following:

God, our help in ages past and our hope for days to come,
we are thankful for your never failing love.
Grant peace to the earth and establish your justice among the nations.
Bring a swift end to the conflict the world now faces.
Care for name's family/names' families and make us to be compassionate friends,
while he/she/they are away from us,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

In place of this prayer or in addition to it, the pastor may use "A Prayer for Protection of Those in Military Service" or "A Prayer for Armed Services Personnel and Their Families" or "The Prayer of St. Francis" (UMH 481).

A hymn or song may be sung. The following are suggested:
The Faith We Sing (TFWS)
2191 Eternal Father Strong to Save
2195 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful
2054 Nothing Can Trouble
2218 You Are Mine
2146 His Eye Is on the Sparrow
2214 Lead Me, Guide Me
2241 The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve
The United Methodist Hymnal (UMH)
163 Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
127 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
128 He Leadeth Me
529 How Firm a Foundation
117 O God, Our Help In Ages Past
136 The Lord's My Shepherd
138 The King of Love My Shepherd Is
507 Through It All
178 Hope of the World
582 Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service

When the service includes "Concerns and Prayers" the following form of intercessions may be included.

God says, "When, they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble." (Psalm 91: 15)

Let us pray to God saying, Lord, be our companion.

As in baptism we put on Christ, so in Christ may we endure danger and separation in hope and love.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

As God so loved the world in Christ, so may the love of God guide our actions,
even in combat and war's uncertainty.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

As God cares for the poor and innocent, so may nations engaged in conflict deflect harm from children, the vulnerable and the wounded.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

As Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives," so may we extend peace to our enemies without hatred.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

As Jesus calls his church to be peacemakers, so may we look beyond this time of war to a world where weapons are converted to tools for growing food and materials for the rebuilding of homes and cities.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

As in the new Jerusalem every tear will be wiped away and death will be no more, so may we yearn for a time we no more participate in anyone's grief or dying.

Let us pray to God.
Lord, be our companion.

Then all pray, "Our Father...

For other forms and litanies of prayer appropriate to this time see the following online resources:
Episcopal Peace Fellowship:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Scriptural and Book of Worship
Resources with some specially created online resources (excellent): See "Lord, Teach Us."

Copyright (c) 2003 The General Board of Discipleship. Any part of this service may be used for worship by any church. Please include this copyright notice. "Copyright (c) 2003 The General Board of Discipleship. Used with permission."

This page was prepared by the staff of the Center for Worship Resourcing,The General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. Comments or suggestions may sent to Daniel Benedict at

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