Rogation Sunday Service

From the Open Files of:

Northeastern Pennsylvania Resource Center, 610/395-6891

Contributed by:

Pastors Ruth and Dick Schaefer, Coordinators of the Farm Advocacy Resource Ministries

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Rogation Sunday Service

This Service has been prepared by Pastors Ruth and Dick Schaefer, Coordinators of the Farm Advocacy Resource Ministries of the Northeast Pennsylvania Synod.

The service is intended for Urban, Suburban, Town and Country congregations. This Service may be celebrated on the 6th Sunday after Easter. Or, if you wish at an early time in the Spring when the planting of the fields has begun.


Announcements, Joys and Concerns

Passing of the Peace

P: In the name of Jesus Christ let us greet each other as we begin this service of worship.

The peace of the Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.


P: In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen.

Call to Confession

P: God is Creator. In our secret thoughts and desires we have sinned against God. Even our best intentions are so feeble. Jesus Christ invites us to confess our sins.


All: Almighty God, you have created what we humans need to sustain our earthly lives. We confess that we have neglected to care for your creation. We have carelessly used the soil, air, and water. We have forgotten how to love. We have forsaken the needs of future generations. Our concern is for the immediate satisfaction of our own greedy interests. Forgive us and set us on a new path pleasing to you. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

P: Through Jesus Christ God knows us and accepts us as we are. God hears our prayers and forgives us all our sins. Walk forth renewed and refreshed on the pathway of life

Hymn 554 (LBW) This Is My Fathers World


P: God, our Creator, you have ordered seedtime, sunshine, rain, and harvest. You have created the seed, soil and water so there may be food for all your people. May we honor and care for these elements that sustain our earthly life. As the food nourishes our body may we be filled with praise and thanksgiving for our Creator.

Blessing of the Rogation Elements

Introduction to Blessings Psalm 147: 7-9

P: Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;

C: Make music to our God on the harps.

P: He covers the sky with clouds;

C: He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

P: He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.

All: Praise the Lord.

Blessing of the Seed (Pastor scoops up the seed and pours it back)

P: God you have given us these seeds

C: They have a past. They are the fruit of the past. They have a present. They are to be planted into your soil. They have a future. They are to bear fruit for the harvest. May the miracle of life within these seeds burst forth yielding a bountiful harvest. Bless these seeds and those who plant them.

Blessing of the Soil (The Pastor scoops into the soil and pours it back.)

P: God you have created and given us this soil.

C: The soil serves as the medium for the seed to grow, it cleans water, it regulates climate, it provides warmth, nourishment and support so that new life may emerge. Bless this soil that it may feed and nourish the seed. Bless those who work this soil and harvest the produce.

Blessing of the Water (The Pastor fills a cup with the water and pours it back.)

P: God, this water is your creation.

C: Water gives sustenance and nourishment to the soil and the seed. Bless the soil and the seed with gentle rain. Bless this water. Let it come as rain at the right time, in the proper amount so that the seed may flourish and grow. In your mercy send us favorable weather so that the harvest will be bountiful.

First Lesson Ecclesiates 3:1-8

Second Lesson I Corinthians 3: 5-9

Gospel Matthew 13: 18-30

Children's Sermon


Hymn 760 (WOV) The Fruit Of All Creation or 561 (LBW) For The Beauty Of The Earth



P: Let us Pray

Creator God, we thank you for your awesome creation, for the seed, the soil, the water, the seasons of the year and the cycle of nature.

C: Walk with those who till, plant, and care for the fields that they may be strengthened by your constant presence in all their Labors.

P: Give us favorable weather that all farming efforts may not be in vain.

C: May the hungry be fed and may we always be mindful of their needs and wants. May the governments around the world make good and wise decisions regarding the food for their people.

P: Keep us aware and sensitive to the needs of our farmers and their families. May they have a fair return for their efforts.

C: Bless all those who work in related agricultural businesses.

P: We pray for all those hospitalized, institutionalized, and home-bound, especially. . . . . . . Touch them with your healing bands. Fill them with your comfort and hope.

C: Give peace and strength to those individuals bearing painful, heartbreaking burdens.

P: All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

All: Amen

Lord's Prayer (unless the Eucharist is celebrated)



Offertory Response

Offertory Prayer

All: For the hospitality of your good earth, for the people you have given us to love, for the task you called us to do, we give thank, gracious God. Receive our offerings as a testimony of our faith and gratitude. Amen

Communion (optional)


Hymn 261 (LBW) On What Has Now Been Sown



Additional Hymns Suggestions LBW/WOV

We Praise Thee 241

For The Beauty of the Earth 561

This is My Father's World 554

For The Fruit of All Creation 760

Praise And Thanksgiving 409

On what Has Now Been Sown 261

Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee 551

Beautiful Savior 518





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