Veterans Sunday

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East-Central Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, 920/734-3797

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On this day we come before you, God of All Peoples. We remember those who have given their lives in the name of freedom, and those who have struggled for peace. We honor those who have sacrificed much in the cause of equality, and those who continue to lead us toward harmony. Bless this hour. Make this time of worship a time of examination, reflection, and rejuvenation. Amen.


OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 11:1-9


0 Merciful One, we confess to our failures. We have allowed our prejudices to blind us to the commonality of all people. We have embraced our fears and insecurities, rather than surrendering them to your ideals of love and harmony. Ours is a world of such opposing information that it is often difficult to find the truth. Forgive us when we allow self-pride to stand in the way of human concern, Bind us together, one people throughout your creation. In the name of Christ, the Bridge- builder. Amen.


Nothing we do will separate us from God's infinite love. Knowing that you have been forgiven, you will be able to go forth to embrace the world.

EPISTLE Ephesians 6:10-20

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE with the Lord's Prayer

OFFERING with Doxology


GOSPEL Luke 22:14-23


Our world is so confusing. There. is more information than we can absorb, and much of it contradictory. It is hard to know which is the side of righteous action. On this day we honor people who have offered their lives in action for what they considered to be just causes. As we honor them, we also must commit ourselves to action, Our world is in need of faithful prayer partners, knowledgeable voters and activists, volunteers, educators. and good neighbors. Without our actions for world harmony and justice, veterans of all types of crusades will have died in vain. Our mission is not complete until the needs of the whole world's population are met and all people are self-determining. We must listen closely for the Spirit's wisdom and guidance ways of peace, so that in the future of our world, it will not be necessary that people die for justice and peace.


L: Let us join in committing ourselves to action in the causes of justice, peace, equality, and human concern:

All: We commit ourselves to act for God's kingdom of peace and justice. In areas where inequality causes hunger and suffering, we commit ourselves to work for change. In areas where people are not free, we pledge our action to obtain that freedom. In areas where people are discriminated against, we vow to work for their equality. We pledge to undergird the world with our prayers. We promise to keep our hearts open to the peoples of the world, so that their need does not escape us, We pledge involvement; our actions and influence will be used to restore God's creation to justice, harmony, and shalom. Amen.

PRAYER in Unison

Gracious God, we thank you this day for all your servants who loved freedom so much that they jeopardized their lives for others. We thank you for that within us which yearns for peace, for justice, and for freedom-for ourselves and for others. We prey for these gifts for everyone in the world. May war become unnecessary and oppression obsolete. Keep strong within us the desire to work for your peace and your shalom, today and everyday. In Jesus' name. Amen.



Note: Veterans might participate as liturgists, ushers, greeters, and so on, in this service They may wish to wear their service uniforms. Some maybe invited to share either a joy or a concern about world peace and freedom. Several service groups am often ignored during this time; do not forget the women veterans, the health-care workers, the conscientious objectors who served their country, and the volunteers. People who have been involved in peace efforts may also want to share in the service.


Services for National Days

Copyright 1991 by Abingdon Press

Churches and organizations may use the materials In this book without permission from the publisher if 300 or fewer copies are made, provided the following credit line and copyright notice are included:

Reprinted from Services for National Days by V. Elaine Strewn and Christine L.
Nees. Copyright 0 1991 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission.

These materials are not to be reprinted for profit. The book may not be reproduced in whole or in substantial part without permission. Requests should be made in writing and addressed to Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Ave, South, Nashville, TN 37203.

ISBN 0-687-38O95-2

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