Order for Godspeed and Farewell for a Pastor

From the Open Files of:

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DAVE: Century after century Christians continue to take certain persons in the communities, set them apart and say, "you are our shepherd. Lead us to Christlikeness."

The community tells the pastor, "We want you to be responsible for saying and acting among us what we believe about God and kingdom and gospel. We need help in keeping our beliefs sharp, accurate and intact. We know there are strong influences that would dilute or destroy our faith. We want you to give us help, Minister with word and Sacrament through all the stages of our lives, in our work and play, celebrations and sorrows. This is what the church says to individuals it calls to be its pastors. Paul and Rose Ann. I preside at this service as dean of the North Central Washington Cluster of ELCA churches, as someone who is not an immediate member of this congregation, but as a brother in Christ's family in order to lead the people of Grace in saying godspeed and farewell to you. In addition to their good-byes, this is a time of sending.

On March 7, 1982, Bishop Clifford Lunde presided as you were officially installed as Lead Pastor here at Grace. (Walk to pulpit)

You were then ceremonially brought to this pulpit. The pulpit has changed over the years, but in this spot you have proclaimed the saving gospel of Jesus Christ literally hundreds of times throughout these past 17 years. This pulpit has not belonged to you; nor has the saving message of Christ. But you have been a faithful occupant of this church's pulpit. As you leave it we thank God for your preaching ministry.


(Walk to font) At this font and one like it you have presided at the sacrament of holy baptism. During your years here 345 people experienced the cleansing waters of baptism and were welcomed into the family of Christ. The gift of new life in Christ belongs to God. The church is the custodian of his rite of welcome, and you have introduced this congregation to 345 now sisters and brothers in Christ. As you leave this font, we thank you for presiding at the sacrament of holy baptism.


(Walk to table) At this table and one like it you have presided at the sacrament of holy communion. You have reminded us of the story of Jesus' beginning of this meal. You have provided instruction to those who would receive it for the first time. While you were here more children were welcomed to the table, and we chose to celebrate this meal more frequently. The meal is the Lord's, and this congregation has been a provider of this meal to the baptized who seek to be fed with the living presence of Christ. You have presided over this meal so that it could be served in an orderly fashion. As you leave this table, we thank you for Presiding at the sacrament of holy communion.


(Stand in front of table) Standing in the front of this sanctuary you have presided at services where we thanked God for the lives of people who had died. You led us in the midst of grief while we expressed gratitude for God's gift of life. You proclaimed the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and encouraged the community to share the comfort of the gospel. 205 sermons which celebrated God's victory over the powers of death took place while you were here. As you leave this sanctuary, we thank you for being with us in our times of loss.


STEVE: It is here that you presided at services where couples were married. 193 couples were united in marriage while you served here as pastor. You were present to rejoice with those who rejoice. Thank you for sharing those and other great times of joy.


STEVE: (Ho1d up key) When you came here in 1982 you received the keys to this building. You have had a study here to do your work of reading and preparing, to meet people for small talk and big conversations. You have heard confessions and spoken words of absolution. Your study has been a place of prayer and preparation. As you return your key, we thank you for your prayers, your diligent preparation, and your careful listening.


STEVE: You aren't moving so far away, and it is indeed possible we will see you again But you will no longer be the senior pastor of Grace Lutheran Church. We ask you to honor that and help us to honor that boundary. You will continue to be a brother in Christ's family and we will cherish that relationship. Thank you for journeying with us these years.


DAVE: Rose Ann. you have had your own ministry in this community. Through your occupation you have worked with people during important times of transition. In your volunteer work you have helped children and victims of domestic violence. In this congregation you have taught, sung, played the piano/organ/flute. You have shared your gifts to the glory of God, and we thank you.


REPRESENTATIVE OF CONGREGATION: Paul, you have received a letter of call to become the senior pastor of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Olympia, and you have said yes to that new calling. We want to acknowledge that it is not only that church calling you and you saying yes. We are sending you. We are sending both of you. You have been in our midst for over 17 years. You have been part of this church family, sharing your gifts for the sake of Christ's mission in our community. We are proud to send you with our blessing.

DAVE: Please kneel to receive our prayers: Gracious God you have called us in our baptism to be your servants. You have enabled us to respond to your call as a community of believers. Thank you for the partnership in the gospel we have enjoyed with Paul and Rose Ann. Now we send them forth to continue their work in another congregation and community. Strengthen them for the mission you have placed before them, and may they go from here knowing our love and continuing partnership. In Jesus' name. AMEN.

DAVE: When we end our worship, you have often said to us, "Go in peace. Serve the Lord". Today we speak it to you. CONGREGATION: GO IN PEACE. SERVE THE LORD. (Paul and Rose Ann say, "Thanks be to God".)

(Paul does benediction)

Closing hymn is #393.

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