Godspeed and Farewell for a New Seminarian (before the Benediction) P/A: [Seminarian Name] is leaving [Congregation Name] to begin study at [Seminary Name and Location] and prepare for the ordained ministry of our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Today, we bid him/her Godspeed and farewell. P/A: [Seminarian Name] has always been active in the ministry at [Congregation Name]. Most recently s/he has . . . A: Isaiah 52:7-12 A: Mark 10:42-45 P: [Seminarian Name], in Holy Baptism our Lord Jesus Christ received you and made you a member of God's Church. When you joined this congregation we rejoiced to receive you into our fellowship in the Gospel. In this community of faith you have heard the proclamation of God's Word, which reveals God's loving purpose for you and for all creation. You have been nourished at Christ's table and called to be a witness to the Gospel. God has blessed you in this fellowship and we all have been blessed through you. C: We encourage you to continue to
receive and to share God's gifts at Seminary Name as a
worker with us in the kingdom of God. P: Let us pray. Eternal God, we thank you for
[Seminarian Name] and for our life together in this
congregation and community. As s/he has been a blessing to
us, so now send him/her forth to be a blessing to
others. C: Amen Benediction (An Irish Blessing sung by a quartet worked very well!)
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