Service of Baptismal Renewal

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East Central Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center 920/734-5381

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Many are the gifts of God given to us:

Left: Living water to quench our thirst
Right: Pure air to fill our lungs
Left: Fertile earth to cultivate our food
Right: Passionate fire to warm body and soul.

Many are the gifts of God given to us and we are grateful:

L: Divine love to energize us
R: Shared life to sustain us
L: Caring friendships to comfort us
R: New wisdom to lead us to wholeness.

Many are the gifts of God to us and we are grateful, and we remember God's claim upon us:

L: By the water of birth we are brought into the world
R: By the water of baptism we are brought into the church
L: By water and the Spirit we are brought into God's mighty acts of salvation and given new life.
R: Called from the waters of baptism, we are sent into the world to baptize and make disciples.

In thanksgiving let us pray.

L: Eternal God, when nothing existed but chaos you swept across the deep water and brought forth light.
R: You saved your human family on an ark in a great flood, and then set a rainbow in the clouds.
L: Through the sea you led your people from slavery in Egypt to freedom in a promised land.
R: You sent Jesus, nurtured in the water of the womb, baptized by John, anointed by your Spirit, washed with a woman's tears, who called his followers to share in the baptism of death and resurrection.

Pour out your Holy Spirit, and by this gift of water call us to remember:

L: The gift of grace given us in our baptism
R: The grace that washes, cleanses and renews us
L: The grace which is the cloth of righteousness
R: That dying and rising with Christ we may share in God's reign of peace and justice.
ALL:, All praise to you, Eternal God, through Jesus Christ, who with you and your Spirit reign forever. Amen.

Together let us affirm the vows made at our baptism

ALL: We reject the spiritual forces of wickedness, the powers of the world that numb us, the fragmentation that separates us from the rest of God's creation. We accept, instead the freedom and power that God gives to us to break free of the addictions, the illusions, the overwork, the idolatries that tempt us away from wholeness; the freedom and power God gives which enables the whole universe to move towards redemption and peace. We confess Jesus Christ as our Savior, putting our whole trust in Christ's grace, and promise to serve God in union with the church which Christ has opened to all people.

Through Baptism we are incorporated by the Holy Spirit into God's new creation and made to share in the priesthood of all believers. One in Christ Jesus, with joy and thanksgiving, we are members together of the household of God. Sisters and Brothers: Remember your Baptism and be thankful!

ALL: I remember. I am thankful.

The water of the world, the life, the Spirit flows for you, in you and through you. Enjoy and celebrate the embodiment of God making all things new.

ALL: Amen.

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