Lent Walk

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Prince of Peace, East Central Wisconsin Synod

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Prince Of Peace Sunday School Special Activity

Sunday, (March 23, 1997)

Teachers: This day is especially set aside so that you may participate with your classes in this year's Easter activity: The Lent Walk. You are receiving this information now so that you can prepare the materials you will need for your class scene assignments. Please prepare the activity materials as listed for your class.

What are the events that lead up to the miraculous resurrection of our Lord? Study and see them on this Lent Walk. Each class will have a specific "scene" in the Lent Walk which will be theirs to learn about and "recreate" as a still life in their classroom to be seen by the entire group as they travel.

In your classroom on Sunday (pick your special date, preferably Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday), you'll receive a script for you to read to your class at each scene which explains what is shown.

Teachers are asked to:

1) Review the scene assignment listed for your particular class.

2) Bring items from home or from church storage to use in setting up the scene in your classroom. You will be given time at the beginning of the hour on Sunday (pick your special date) to set up your class scene.

3)You may, if you wish, arrange for up to 2 adults (try calling on parents) to be brought in as "props" in your scene. Consider whether your still life may be more effective/symbolic with or without people. Do not use the students in your scene, as we want them to take part in The Walk. You may make arrangements before Sunday (pick your special date) for costumes for your "human props".

4) Assist the children in setting up a "still life" scene at the beginning of the hour on Sunday, (pick your special date).

5) Be seated with your class in the Sanctuary at 9:30. Direction will be given so that groups leave on a staggered basis one at a time with the younger classes leaving first.

6) Accompany your class around the Lent Walk from scene to scene. There will be 11 stops on The Walk with 1 minute narration and 1 minute travel time between each stop. The trip should take about 25 minutes.

7) Return to your classroom to briefly discuss/summarize what the students observed. Discuss the upcoming Holy Week service and Easter services as appropriate for your class. Younger classes will finish The Walk first, so these teachers may want to have coloring sheets ready for use if extra time needs filling. Have students assist with cleanup as appropriate.

8) Close with your usual prayer.

Schedule for Sunday, (pick your special date):

  • Be in your room to get students settled, take offering
  • Classroom discussion and setup of scene.
  • Gather in Sanctuary, go on The Lent Walk, return to rooms, discuss, cleanup
  • Close with prayer, dismiss.

Lent Walk: Scene Assignments

Each scene may be more effective if the tables/chairs are moved to the sides or covered with a table cloth to make the surroundings look less like a regular classroom. We will provide each classroom with a paper tablecloth to use; other materials are on your own. Contact ____ if you have questions.

Preschool: Scene 1. Jesus is born (Luke 2)

Ideas for display: the church's manger, a nursery doll, adults in costume as Mary and Joseph, tables and chairs moved to form a semicircular stable

Pre-K: Scene 2. Jesus is baptized (Matthew 2:13-17)

Ideas for display: a clear pitcher or bowl of water, and a "dove" (there could be one in your storage room)

Kdg.: Scene 3. Jesus performs a miracle (John 2:1 -11) (Wedding at Cana)

Ideas for display: six jars filled with water, a dipper, and one glass containing "wine", tablecloth over classroom table

Grade 1A: Scene 4. Entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1 -11)

Ideas for display: clear path in center of floor, palm fronds from the worship service, coats strewn on floor

Grade 1B: Scene 5. Washing of the Disciples' Feet (John 13:1-5, 12-15)

Ideas for display: Large bowl, water, towel sitting in center of floor with chairs nearby.

Grade 2: Scene 6. Betrayed by Judas (Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50)

Ideas for display: tablecloth to cover table, 30 "silver coins" and a money bag

Grade 3: Scene 7. The Last Supper (Mark 14:22-25)

Ideas for display: Plate, cup, bread and grape juice, tablecloth covering a classroom table

Grade 4A: Scene 8. Prayer in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42)

Ideas for display: Pillow and alarm clock (to symbolize the sleeping disciples) and a large cup with a label that says "suffering" (to symbolize the cup of suffering to which Jesus refers)

Grade 4B: Scene 9. The Arrest of Jesus (Mark 14:43-50)

Ideas for display: Two "spears" (made from dowels and foil), an assortment of sticks/clubs on the classroom table

Grade 5A: Scene 10. The Crucifixion (John 19:1-29)

Ideas for display: A cross which the students construct themselves of sticks, string, etc.: or 5 nails to represents the wounds of Jesus (two hands, feet, head, and pierced side), crown of thorns (perhaps a grapevine wreath), a purple robe.

Grade 5B: Scene 11. The Resurrection (John 20:1 - 10)

Ideas for display: Two linen cloths arranged as stated in the scripture, otherwise the room could be empty.


Grade 6: They do not need to set up a scene, however they do join in on "The Walk."




Sunday, (March 23, 1997)

Each class will set up a still life scene in their classroom. Individual classes will travel in order from room to room to observe the scenes. Parents should be invited to join children in the Sanctuary to travel along on The Walk. Please be in the Sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. with your class. Classes will be dismissed one by one to begin The Walk.

Be sure to travel IN ORDER as shown below. When you arrive at each room, please:

1. Ask the class if they can name the event shown.

2. Read or paraphrase the information below, as appropriate for the level of your students.


Preschool: Scene 1. Jesus is born (Luke 2)

This is where the Easter story began -- almost 2,000 years ago in a Bethlehem stable when Jesus was born. God had great plans for Jesus. He was to grow as a teacher and leader, and would die to save his people from their sins. This sounds like a big job for a tiny baby, but it all came true. When you see the manger, think of both Christmas AND Easter.


Pre-K: Scene 2. Jesus is baptized (Matthew 2:13-17)

Jesus grew up as the son of Joseph, a Jewish carpenter. He learned about God's Word from his teachers and his parents. Most people didn't know that Jesus was someone special sent from God until he was an adult. One day, he walked to the Jordan River and was baptized with water. After this, the Holy Spirit came down on him like a dove and God said, "This is my Son". God had named Jesus as the one who would save his people.

Kdg.: Scene 3. Jesus performs a miracle (Wedding at Cana) (John 2:1-11)

This is the first miracle Jesus performed. While at a wedding party with his mother Mary, he was told that there was no more wine for the guests. Jesus told servants to fill six jars with water. When they dipped into one of the jars, they found wine! Jesus had shown that he was more than an ordinary person -- as God's son, he had the power to work miracles. He healed the sick, raised the dead. and helped people in many ways...even dying on the cross so that we might be saved from our sins.

Grade 1A: Scene 4. Entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11)

This scene shows what we celebrate today in worship: PaIm Sunday! After three years of teaching and healing people, Jesus had become a famous leader who was loved by many people. These crowds gathered to welcome him as he came to Jerusalem. They shouted, waved palm branches, and threw their coats on the road to make him welcome. Because so many people loved him and listened to what he said, Jesus was hated by some of the Jewish leaders. They were making a plan to get rid of Jesus so people would follow them instead.

Grade 1B: Scene 5. Washing of the Disciples' Feet (John 13:1-5, 12-15)

In this scene, Jesus showed his followers what it means to be a SERVANT. It was a custom in that time for people to wash their feet when coming into someone's home -- they wore sandals, and the dust from walking on the sandy roads and streets got very messy. Usually a worker or servant in the house would do this for the guest. But on this day, Jesus washed the feet of his followers! He said that this set an example for them. If he, their leader, could wash their feet, then they should be able to wash each other's feet. He was telling them that they should be ready to serve and help each other in the days to come.

Grade 2: Scene 6. Betrayed by Judas (Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50)

Some of the Jewish leaders were angry that Jesus had so many followers. They looked for ways to trick him. They wanted to be rid of him. Judas, one of the disciples, played an important part in the Easter story. He went to the Jewish leaders and said he would help them arrest Jesus. They gave him 30 pieces of silver. Jesus knew that Judas would do this. Jesus knew it was part of God's plan.

Grade 3: Scene 7. The Last Supper (Mark 14:22-25)

Passover is celebrated every year by Jewish people. Remember that Jesus was a Jew. He and his disciples had been in Jerusalem since Sunday. On Thursday night, they met to celebrate the Passover with a special meal. At the meal, Jesus took bread and wine and gave it to his friends, telling them to remember him. This was the beginning of what we celebrate as Communion in Sunday worship. During the meal, Jesus told Judas to go and do what he had planned to do.

Grade 4A: Scene 8. Prayer in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42)

Jesus knew that he was going to die soon. It was God's plan that he had to die so we could be saved from our sins. Even though he knew this, he was sad. After they had finished the Last Supper, Jesus went with his disciples to a quiet garden. He told his friends to keep watch. In a prayer, Jesus told God that he was afraid. He also told God that he would do what he needed to do. While he prayed, the disciples fell fast asleep. Three times, Jesus woke them up. The last time, it was just as a group of people came into the garden...

Grade 4B: Scene 9. The Arrest of Jesus (Mark 14:43-50)

Sticks, clubs, spears and swords are what the crowd carried when them came to arrest Jesus. Judas had led them there and showed them who Jesus was. Even though he could have fought against them, Jesus went with them calmly. The disciples all ran away.

Grade 5A: Scene 10. The Crucifixion (John 19:1-29)

This scene seems very sad. It shows that Jesus was hung on the cross. His body was hurt, and after a few hours, he died. (Older classes: The five nails represent the wounds of Jesus: the nails through his two hands and his feet, the cuts from the crown of thorns, and his side which was pierced by the soldier's spear after his death.) Yet this scene is also good, because Jesus died as part of God's plan. And because he died, something wonderful was about to happen!


Jesus had died on Friday afternoon. His friends put his body in a stone tomb. They were very sad because they missed Jesus. Three days later, a few of them went to the tomb and got a big surprise.

Grade 5B: Scene 11. The Resurrection (John 20:1-10)

"He has risen!" Jesus was dead, but now is alive! He spent a few more weeks with his friends before he went to heaven to be with God. He still lives today, caring for and watching over each of us. Easter is the wonderful ending to a long, exciting, and sometimes scary story. In this story, the death of Jesus was a good thing for us. Sometimes people compare this to a chrysalis--what looks dead and ugly really has a beautiful butterfly inside. Inside the death of Jesus is a beautiful gift for us...the gift of life with God!


You may return to your own classroom. Please wait to enter until all classes have passed through to see your scene. Once the "coast is clear", consider filling time with activities such as any of these:

1. Discuss The Walk with your class, possibly by:

--asking them to name the scenes and read the actual reference in the Bible.

--naming two Holy Week events and having them tell which came first

--asking specific questions about what they saw or heard

2. Discuss the upcoming Holy Week services and Easter services as appropriate for your group.

3. Have students assist in cleanup as appropriate.

4. Work on a project such as coloring sheets or one of the many activity books in the resource room.

Please dismiss your class at 10:15 a.m. Tablecloths in good condition may be folded and left on the counter in the kitchen. As usual, your "props" should not be left in your classroom area.

Thanks for your extra efforts with The Lent Walk! Happy Easter!!

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