1. Padziko tikhala zovuta mzambiri
We are living in a world of difficulties
Komatu (komatu) tidziwe (tidziwe) ambuye sangatitaye
But know that the Lord will not forsake us
Ngakhale satana ali padzikol
Though satan dwells in this world
Tiyeni (tiyeni) tilimbe (tilimbe ) osabwerera mmbuyo
Let us all stand strong, no
turning, no turning back
2. Tipemphe Ambuye atitsogolere
We ask you our Lord to lead us on the way
ulendo (ulendo ) wopita (wopita) kumwamba kuli atate
on the way going to that home
komweko kulibe matenda kulira
Where there are no diseases, nor weeping
zobvuta (zovuta) umphawi (uimphawi ) imfayo singafikeko
Problems, poverty, even death is
not there