Empowering Steward Leaders

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Rev. Greg Kaufmann, Assistant to the Bishop. Eau Claire, WI

Five kids went to the mall. Each received $50. What did they do with it...?

For more information, check out an exciting new resource for confirmation class or a youth retreat at www.10-10-80.com (including free downloadable resources).

The goal of this easy-to-use educational unit is to introduce youth to a life of balanced financial stewardship by sharing 10%, saving 10%, and spending wisely 80% of their income. Supplementary letters for parents and church council members help create a congregational climate that nurtures future steward leaders.

This resource was created by ELCA stewardship staff in three Wisconsin synods in collaboration with youth ministry specialists and Augsburg Fortress, with funding from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. An 8-minute DVD for group presentations may be purchased by sending a check for 45 with your mailing address to: 10-10-80 DVD, 3462 Losey Blvd. S., La Crosse, WI 54601.


© Copyright 2005 by the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center. Please see our usage policy.
NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center