Time and Talents Sheet

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Grace Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI

This file is available in
Rich Text Format version for editing


Sharing Our Passions & Gifts

N1 _____Usher
N2 _____Greeter
N3 _____Altar Guild
N4 _____Communion Helper
N5 _____Read Lessons
N6 _____Liturgist
N7 _____Drive Van
N8 _____Friendship Door
N9 _____Nursery Helper
NA _____Coffee Hour Host

M1 _____Choir
M2 _____Soloist
M3 _____Piano
M4 _____Handbells
M5 _____Other instruments
M6 _____Maintenance

Arts and Drama
A1 _____Decorating (Festival/Seasonal)
A2 _____Banners
A3 _____Graphics (posters, logos)
A4 _____Plays, Musicals
A5 _____Photography

H1 _____Housing
H2 _____Provide Food
H3 _____Special Events (plan/work)
H4 _____Clean-up
H5 _____Funeral (serve/clean-up)

O1 _____Office volunteer
O2 _____Special mailings
O3 _____Publicity
O4 _____Archives
O5 _____Proof reading

Building and Grounds
B1 _____Handy work repairs
B2 _____Electrical work
B3 _____Painting
B4 _____Plumbing
B5 _____Cement or masonry
B6 _____Furniture repair
B7 _____Care of flowers
B8 _____Help on "work day"

Care Ministry
S2 _____Visitation
S4 _____Sponsor New Member
S5 _____Marriage mentor
S6 _____Small Group
S7 _____Provide rides to church

Education (teach, lead, help)
T1 _____Sunday School
T2 _____Vacation Bible Sch.
T3 _____Confirmation
T4 _____Youth chaperone
T5 _____Bible study
T6 _____Adult Discussions
T7 _____Retreats
T8 _____Library

Church in Society
Q1 _____Habitat for Humanity
Q2 _____Interfaith Hospitality
Q3 _____World Service
Q4 _____Food Pantry
Q5 _____Jail Ministry
Q6 _____Mission Outreach/ home and abroad

L1 _____Board of Education
L2 _____Board of Life/Growth
L3 _____Board of Property/ Management
L4 _____Board of Special Ministries
L5 _____Board of Stewardship
L6 _____Board of Worship/Music
L7 _____Board of Youth/ Family
L8 _____Grace Foundation Board
L9 _____Media Board
LA _____Visual Ministries
LB _____Personnel Committee
LC _____Cemetery Board
LD _____Library Committee


Additional ways to exercise your gifts:





Name __________________________________________________________________
(please print)

Phone __________________________________________________________________


Thank you for your stewardship of the gifts God has given to you!


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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center