Time and Abilities Offering

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Trinity Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI

This file is available in
Rich Text Format version for editing


Offering of Time & Abilities

Volunteers enrich our stewardship as a congregation. By keeping your congregation informed that you are willing to share time and abilities, you will help our staff and committees identify potential volunteers. Please help encourage the effectiveness of Trinity's mission by sharing the information on this sheet.

Trinity Lutheran Church Stewardship Committee

Member 1 Member 2
Name __________________________ Name _________________________
Work Phone_____________________ Work Phone ____________________
(If it's okay to call you there.) (If it's okay to call you there.)


__ __ Usher 8:00
__ __ Usher 9:30
__ __ Usher 11:00
__ __ Nursery 9:30
__ __ Greeter 8:00
__ __ Greeter 9:30
__ __ Greeter 11:00
__ __ Comm. server 8:00
__ __ Comm. server 9:30
__ __ Comm. Server 11:00
__ __ Bake Communion bread
__ __ Help w/Communion clean-up 8:00
__ __ Help w/Communion clean-up 11:00
__ __ Reader 8:00
__ __ Reader 9:30 __ __
__ __ Reader 11:00 __ __
__ __ Altar Guild __ __
__ __ Christmas decorating

Church Life
__ __ New member welcomer
__ __ Archives Committee
__ __ Library Board
__ __ Make hospital calls
__ __ Provide transportation to church
__ __ Prayer Chain

Teaching & Support Staff
__ __ Teach Sunday School Session 1
__ __ Teach Sunday School Session 2
__ __ Sub Session 1
__ __ Sub Session 2
__ __ Teach T.G.I.F.
__ __ Sub T. G. I. F.
__ __ T. G. I. F. kitchen helper
__ __ Teach VBS
__ __ Sunday School office assistant

Children's Ministries
Serve on the following sub-committees:
__ __ Preschool Committee
__ __ Children's Ministries Committee
__ __ Nursery
__ __ Sunday School
__ __ Camp TGIF
__ __ Day Camps
__ __ VBS

__ __ Retreat/mission leader/helper
__ __ Mentor for HS student
__ __ Transportation organizer
__ __ 7th & 8th grade small group guide
__ __ Sunday 7th & 8th grade teacher
__ __ Sunday HS teacher
__ __ Youth office helper
__ __ Fund-raising coordinator
__ __ Other Youth Ministry needs

Community Outreach
__ __ Community Table serving team
__ __ Interfaith Hospitality

__ __ Assist with mailings
__ __ Stuff bulletins (Friday afternoons)
__ __ Maintain pew pockets (visitor cards, pew offering envelopes)
__ __ General office volunteer

TGIF - Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 on Wednesdays "To Gather In Faith"
JIF - Grades 7 & 8 on Wednesdays "Journeys In Faith"
Mentor - Adult "advisor" for confirmation student
Community Table - prepare and serve hot meals for the needy
Hospitality Network - Churches that provide over-night accommodations to homeless families
New Member welcomer - on New Member Sunday, make a point to greet the new members
Altar Guild - decorates worship spaces, cares for altar cloths and communion ware



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NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center