Stewardship Prayer

From the Open Files of:

Christ Lutheran Church, Glencoe, Minnesota

Contributed by:

Marlaine Doidge


O God, I resolve to put You first in my life.

I recognize that You have blessed me with all that I have and all that I am.

As your stewad, I resolve to sacrifice when necssary but always to do so out of a spirit of sincere love, just as your Son, Jesus did for me.

I humbly accept the challenge to share from my means rather than from my excess.

I recognize that being a good steward is nothing more than being truly Christian.

Dear God, I resolve to be generous with my time, talent and treasure, giving in proportion to the gifts I have been given.

I commit myself to taking care of my body and all of creation.

I know there will be times when I fail to be a good steward, but I pledge to keep tryimg.

I will confidently live each day with a spirit of true peace and joy in knowing that I am doing your will.



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