Shower of Blessing Stewardship Thrust

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Contributed by:

Grace Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI.

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Shower of Blessings - Weekly Bulletin Inserts - [ Exhibit D ]

For bulletin Sept. 16 & 17th

"Showers of Blessings"

We are called to share the message of the gospel, yet many of us are not called to be evangelists. There is one very significant way that we can teach another person about God. Share your love of God with a young child. Today we place the Word of God in the hands of our 3rd Graders and invite them to share in our worship. You are practicing good Stewardship by supporting this program. Thank you.

a message from your Board of Stewardship

For Bulletin September 23 & 24

"Showers of Blessings"

Each week the clergy of Grace Lutheran church go out to the Nursing Homes and to the homebound to bring them Holy Communion. This Sunday a group or our members, as a part of their Stewardship, will be commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers to assist in this caring of
our faithful members.

a message from your Board of Stewardship

For Bulletin Sept. 30th & Oct. Ist.

"Showers of Blessings"

When we think of the blessings God has showered on this congregation we could make a very long list: a building in which to worship, Pastors to guide us, choirs to help us proclaim our love of God, altar guild, communion assistants, Sunday School teachers, missionaries, etc. etc. How thankful we are for all these individuals who give their Stewardship of time, abilities and resources.

a message from your Board of Stewardship
For Bulletin October 7th & 8th

"Showers of Blessings"

This Sunday young men and women will be confirmed.
They have worked hard to prepare for confirmation and to take on adult responsibilities in our congregation. Thanks to their teachers and to all of you who have supported them. These fine young adults are a credit to Grace Lutheran Church.

a message from your Board of Stewardship
For Bulletin October 14th & 15th.

"Showers of Blessings"

We are always concerned about those members who are not faithful in attendance and in receiving the Sacraments and in contributing to our church. However, we must first start with ourselves !! Good Christian Stewardship begins with "ME" !! It is "My BUSINESS" It is the Heavenly Father's business. Deuteronomy 16:17 All shall give as they are able according to the blessing of the Lord your God, that He has given you;

a message from your Board of Stewardship

for Bulletin October 21st & 22nd.

"Showers of

When we make our special offering today in response to God's "Showers of Blessings", how do you think God will feel? Will God respond with "That was wonderful! Thank you for your generous gift. Your generosity pleases me!" Believe it, God does care. Ezekiel 34:26... and I will send down the showers in their season. They shall be showers of blessings.

a message from your Board of Stewardship

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