Your change can CHANGE the life of a child
Here's an idea that has worked well at First
Lutheran for collecting coins for the Synod Assembly World Hunger/Malawi
Famine Relief effort.
We borrowed a "Coin Tornado," one of those "things" onto
which you drop a coin so that the coin rolls around and around and around as
it descends down a funnel, from a local Kiwanis Club and placed it in the
narthex. Young and old are having great fun emptying their pockets. An additional
feature of the Coin Tornado is that the opening at the bottom o the funnel
can accommodate cash and checks!
Thus far, we've raised about $800 and we still have six weeks to go until the
Assembly! The map of Malawi behind the funnel displays our progress and our goal
of $2500.
If you are looking for a Well for your church, go to www. or call 1-937-384-0003 |