2002 Stewardship of the Environment Pledge

From the Open Files of:

NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153

Contributed by:

Madison Christian Community, Madison, WI

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Rich Text Format version for editing

Dear Members of the Madison Christian Community,


The Wndmill Task Force was initiated last year to explore the possibility of erecting a windmill on the property of Madison Christian Community. The task force quickly discovered that using renewable sources of energy is just one component of becoming a community committed to stewardship of the environment. Some of the task force's labors will bear fruit in 2002. We are in the process of applying for a grant with Wisconsin Focus on Energy to implement energy saving measures. We met with Kevin L., owner of Informing Ecological Designs LLC. Kevin has designed technology that monitors energy usage in buildings and calculates the cost not only in dollars, but also in emissions released into the atmosphere. Kevin will donate this technology to us as soon as we secure the necessary computer hardware and components from MG&E. Madison Christian Community may well be the first congregation in the country with this technology. Installing solar panels and a wind system remains a dream, but the possibility exists that grant money will be available to fully fund these projects. We trust that these initiatives are responsive to the Biblical conviction that creation is a gift from God and we are called to be its caretakers.

We are inviting every member household of Madison Christian Community to deepen their individual commitment to stewardship of the environment. We are empowered when we realize that as a whole community in Christ, our individual daily decisions about energy use, and our communication with others outside the MCC, can collectively have a positive impact on the health of Creation. We like the idea of being intentional and accountable to one another and to God, much as we are when we make stewardship pledges of money, time and talents. You are invited to join with other members to make a three-fold commitment.

  1. Assess your lifestyle and determine what you can "give up" and/or "take up," as it relates to the environment.
  2. Attend the Stewardship of Resources Fair in the Shalom room on Sunday, January 13. Visit the "Idea Stations," where information regarding EcoTeams, energy saving, public transportation, community supported agriculture, recycling, and environmental groups will be available to you. Hopefully, this information will help equip you to make the lifestyle changes that you re motivated to make.
  3. Declare your intentions as a member of Madison Community Church by returning the environmental pledge form enclosed with this mailing by Sunday, January 27.

We are aware that fostering an environmental consciousness is nothing new for many people in this faith community. Your commitment to stewardship of the environment may be fueled by a faith perspective. What's new is that we are making our declarations as a member of a faith community that supports and encourages individual environmental stewardship. We urge you to deepen, renew or make a first time commitment to stewardship of the environment. We look forward to announcing the results of our accumulated pledges to you in February.

The Windmill Task Force


In response to God's loving purpose for Creation and as a member of Madison Christian Community, I pledge to join with others in the congregation by "giving up" and/or "taking up" the following environmental practices.

I will conserve fuel by (circle either one) occasionally or regularly
___ car pooling
___ using public transportation
___ prioritizing fuel efficiency when
___ purchasing a new car
___ using other forms of transportation such
___ as biking or walking
___ driving the speed limit

Household Operations. I will conserve energy by
___ reducing the environmental cost of
___ heating and hot water.
___ installing efficient lighting
___ remembering to purchase energy
___ efficient appliances when replacing old
___ ones
___ seeking to use renewable sources of
___ energy when offered through energy
___ suppliers

Food Choices. I will lessen the environmental impact of my food choices by
___ supporting local farms and food
___ suppliers
___ purchasing organic foods when possible
___ eating less red meat
___ composting
___ rewarding manufacturers who use
___ recycled materials for packaging

___ Other "giving up" action(s) I/we will
___ take not listed above are:

___ I/We will consider participating in a Madison Christian Community EcoTeam. EcoTeams meet regularly over a period of four months taking various actions from the following action areas: garbage, water, energy, transportation and consumption. Suggested actions for each action area are provided by an EcoTeam Workbook. It is up to each household to decide which actions they wish to take. Team members create a strong sense of community often sharing their knowledge, tools and other resources. Groups sometimes include a potluck in one ore more of their meetings, and often continue to get together well after the program is over.

___ I/We am interested in joining others from Madison Christian Community to write letters to state and federal legislators when legislation that has a direct positive or negative impact on the environment is being considered. I will be receptive to a phone call or mailing that keeps me informed about legislation and will make an effort to attend "write your legislator," sessions at Madison Christian Community.

___I/We am interested in participating in a monthly study group and learn more about environmental theology and eco-justice.

___ I/We am willing to care for the environment by working with other members of Madison Christian Community: ___ on the prairie and grounds of MCC, ___ locally, including, but not limited to Friends of the Campus Natural Areas, Dane County Natural Heritage Foundation, Gathering Waters Conservancy

Other "taking up" actions I will take are:





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