Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All
by Dan Green
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Dan Green
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Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All
by Dan Green

“It is by God’s will that we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”  Hebrews 10:10 

One definition of “futility” would be for us to do the same thing over and over again but expect a different outcome each time.  Now this may sound odd, but I would suggest we all routinely do this in our family and professional lives.  For example, we cram at the end for exams and are surprised at a low grade.  Or we don’t sweat the details on a project at home or work and then are staggered when it goes south.  We run the tires soft on our cars and cannot understand a shortened life span.  We bribe our kids with cookies and then marvel at the “good genes” of the other kids who are well behaved and don’t throw temper tantrums like ours do! 

In reading through the 10th chapter of Hebrews, it seems like the children of Israel were caught in a trap – a kind of catch 22.  Animals were sacrificed for the atonement for sin.  However this bought them no relief.  In fact, it brought quite the opposite.  (See verse 3.)

Jesus cancels the law of sacrificing animals (verse 5) and voluntarily substitutes himself.  He did this in accordance with God’s plan to procure our salvation, so that we might be made holy through his blood.  (See verse 10.)  He offered this one sacrifice for sins; which was good for all time, and “then he sat down in the place of highest honor at Gods right hand” (verse 12) to wait for the inevitable surrender of an already defeated foe.

I sometimes wonder if we get so used to hearing about Jesus dying for our sins that we miss the magnitude of this selfless act.  Why would God do this?  Sin is unacceptable to Him because He is holy!  So the only reason must be that He wants us in His presence.  (I don’t think I’ll be able to fully understand this until we are brought into His glory!)  God does not count our sin against us.  No, instead He charges it to Jesus’ account and our “overdraft” is zeroed out, a humbling and overwhelming realization.

I once heard a Pastor say that “Christian living is to become what you are.”  Jesus’ sacrifice has made us perfect and we are becoming holy through a life of obedience in which we are called and guided by the Holy Spirit. We certainly continue to sin!  But as Nicky Gumbel said in the ALPHA course, the blood of Christ cleanses us again and again, just like a windshield wiper goes back and forth, cleansing and cleansing.

What is our part?  Jesus said we are to love God and love others as we love ourselves there is no other commandment greater than these”.  We should; feed on the word of God, fear God, and rest in the grace of God. 

Lord God, help me to stand in awe of Your incredible love.  May each day bring a new appreciation for the sacrifice of Jesus and the gift of forgiveness.  Help me when I fail to be that person You want me to be.  Guide me and lead me by Your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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