Who me?  Preach the Good News?
by Dennis Glaman
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Dennis Glaman
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Who me?  Preach the Good News?
by Dennis Glaman

“[Jesus] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’”  (Mark 16:15) 

To me, these words of Jesus are some of the scariest things He ever spoke.  (And I suspect the same is true for many of you too!)  Jesus is calling me to tell everyone the good news about Him.  That would make me an evangelist, and I, by nature, am a very shy guy.  I have found it difficult to talk about my faith to people I don’t know, let alone preach the good news to them.

Well, the really good news is that Moses, Jonah, and many others in the Bible thought that they couldn’t do it either.  But God gave them the words and actions that they needed in order to get His message across to those who needed to hear it.  In the same way, I know that He gives me that same ability if I am willing to let Him.

But wait!  There is even more good news about being an evangelist!  I have learned that Jesus doesn’t expect each of us to travel far in order to deliver the good news about Him to others.  All we have to do is look at our families, friends, co-workers and acquaintances for places to “preach the Good News”.  As we go through our daily lives we are presented with many opportunities to let others know about Jesus and His saving grace through our words and actions.  Jesus expects us, as parents, to raise children to love Him.  We can’t do this without talking about Him and showing our children how much He means to us.  We can also talk about Him with our co-workers without uttering a word.  We simply have to act in a way that is consistent with our belief in Jesus and what He came to do for us.

As we go through this Lenten season, look for the opportunities that God gives you to share the Good News and then act on them.  Don’t be afraid to ask Jesus for help in doing that through prayer each and every day.

May God bless you with the joy of “preaching the good news” to those you meet every day.


Dear God, I know You want me to joyfully share the Good News of Jesus in my daily life, but so often I get nervous and afraid just thinking about it!  Help me to believe that if I am willing to try, You will teach me how.  Don’t let me be afraid of making a mistake.  Instead, give me a “holy fear” of missing an opportunity to “preach the Good News” – whether that be with words or with actions.  Empower me by Your Holy Spirit to take that step of faith.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.



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