The Exit Sign
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Darwin Bethke
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The Exit Sign
by Darwin Bethke

[Jesus said,] “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20

I once saw a sign hanging above the main door as you exit the Church.  It said, “You are now entering the Mission Field”.   These words hit home to my heart.  How often have I sat in Church and re-fueled only to leave without sharing the good news of Jesus.  Yet that is what Jesus told us to do in those words printed above which we call the “Great Commission.” 

When I hear these words I find myself frustrated.  I find fear and disappointment in myself as I do a very poor job of making disciples.  A few years ago when I joined the Church Council, I was assigned to the Outreach Team.  I thought to myself, “Oh great, just my luck.  I sure hope they don’t use the “E” word – Evangelism.  This word, I dare say, might be one of my less favorite, as it seems to evoke the fear, frustration and guilt that I carry.  Knocking on doors and sharing the good new of Jesus Christ simply is not “me”.  Yet, I know deep in my heart that God not only wants us, but also commands us to do just this.  Thus, my frustration and disappointment for I know many people that have not yet found Jesus in their lives.

According to Faith Studies International, 50% of the American public feels that those who share their faith are annoying.  Now that’s encouraging for someone like me!  In fact, today unbelievers are viewing outreach as no longer annoying, but as harassment. 

The good news I found was that I don’t have to be annoying.  I just need to be true to myself.  You see I have found you can share your faith through your day-to-day conversations and the way you live your life.   Recently, I had a salesperson visit me in my office at work.  He had noticed a small picture frame that had a motivation Bible verse on it.  As it turns out, we spent time over lunch talking about Jesus. 

Ascension has also made it possible to share the good news through its programs like Friend-to-Friend and ALPHA.  These outreach events have given me an opportunity to see how people are coming closer to Christ.  It is my dream to see hanging above our door of Ascension that same sign:  You are now entering the Mission Field!


Dear Lord, help me to get beyond the fear of talking about my faith in You.  Give me an opportunity this week to share my faith in a simple, unthreatening way.  Empower me with the Holy Spirit to recognize that opportunity and then to do my best.  And continue to help our congregation be a place that trains and equips its members to share the good news.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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