Presenting Christ
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Dan Green
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Presenting Christ
by Dan Green

Jesus says, “Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.  For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?  Or what will they give in return for their life?”  Matthew 16:25-26

How do we present Christ to others?

That “Jesus is the answer!” is something we would all agree upon.  But we might ask ourselves, “But what is the question?”  Is it, “What makes me happy?”  Or is it, “What keeps my marriage together?”  Is it, “What stops me from being lonely?”  Or is it  “What makes it possible for me to earn money to provide for my family and live the “American Dream”? 

Maybe Jesus is the answer for you in all these areas and many more, but if we define His relevance simply by modern-day needs we are surely missing the point.  After all, what are we to say to the non-Christian who is happy, has a wonderful marriage, has many friends, and earns plenty?  Are we to say, “Oh well, uh just come back when you are down on your luck a bit then?”  Surely not!  This would mean Jesus is irrelevant to some of the population!!!

How then should we present Christ? 

I feel the answer lies close to the question Jesus asked in Matthew 16: “How do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?” 

When we die, we will all leave behind the exactly same amount of tangible wealth – whether we are minimum wage earners or wealthy professionals.  We will leave behind all of it!  As I’ve frequently heard quoted on Christian radio, “There are no pockets in a shroud!”  So we best get our houses in order and ensure we are ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. 

In approaching the sharing of Jesus from this position, we realize that He is not simply the answer to our routine daily ailments – the ungodly are generally as happy as Christians, their divorce rate is the same, they have plenty of friends, and they are certainly not poorer.  No!  Christ is the solution to a far greater predicament – God cannot look upon us because of our sin and Jesus washes that away.

How do we present Christ to others?

Not as a modern day “happy pill” but as a miraculous gift to restore us to what we really are and provide us an opportunity to experience deep lasting joy this side of heaven. 


Heavenly Father, help us to more fully understand and appreciate the gift You have given us in Jesus.  And teach us how to share Christ with others.  While it is not always easy to do, it is certainly the only answer for our hurting and broken world.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN. 


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