Mustard Seed Faith
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Pastor Jeff Blain
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Mustard Seed Faith
by Pastor Jeff Blain

“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’  The Lord replied, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it would obey you.’”  Luke 17:5-6

You probably already know that a mustard seed is not very big – about the size of a pinhead.  And sometimes I feel like my faith is even smaller than that!  (Do you ever feel that way?)  It sure seems like the disciples were feeling pretty small in their faith and on more than one occasion do we read about Jesus chiding them for having “little faith.”

But as I look at this verse above, I wonder if Jesus is trying to help the disciples – and us! – understand that “size” or “quantity” is not really what faith is all about.  After all, a mustard seed is pretty small.  (Though we do learn it grows into quite the shrub!)

Perhaps Jesus is here trying to point out that when you focus in on “how much” faith you have, then all your attention is being focused upon yourself.  If instead we were to focus upon the one in whom our faith is placed, now that’s another matter altogether! 

Focus on yourself, and the only thing you will see is a faith that is small – and getting smaller.  Focus on Jesus, and you will see the One who knows everything about us and still loves us.  The One who gave Himself up for us all, by dying on the cross.  The One who overcame death and the grave and promises us the victory as well.  Focus on Jesus, and you might not even notice your faith – except that you feel it growing.

After all, a mustard see may indeed be small, but Jesus is great.  And even the littlest bit of faith in Jesus is enough to save your soul.  Better than that, it’s enough to change the world!


Lord Jesus, increase our faith.  Not by giving us “exercises” to do, so much as helping us keep our eyes fixed firmly upon You.  Come, Heavenly Father, show us Your Son!  Come, Holy Spirit, lead us and guide us in the Truth!  Plant within us that mustard seed faith that can move mountains – not for us but for You.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN. 


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