From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Cindy Holzman
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by Cindy Holzman

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

I became familiar with this verse during my sixth week in boot camp when I had gotten in trouble for talking to a male student from Apprenticeship Training.  The penalty is to get set back for two weeks and my brother had already made plans to see me graduate.  I visited the base chaplain and he gave me a Gideon Bible and I looked in the concordance and found this verse for worries.  I was able to deal with the situation and accept the punishment given to me.  I felt more at ease knowing God was on my side.

Throughout my time in the military this verse brought great comfort to me.  I moved a great deal and so I did not always have a friend when times of trial appeared.  If a time of anxiety is approaching, I open the Bible and reread the entire passage.  Like most people, I need the reminder that God has everything under control so there is no point in worrying about tomorrow.

Since my discharge form the military, I have had many challenges adjusting to being a “civilian.”  The anxieties of life began taking a toll on me and I was diagnosed with “Generalized Anxiety Disorder.”  As my relationship with God becomes stronger, my worries diminish and I can deal with life.  Even today, if I am having an especially stressful time, I open my Bible to Matthew 6 and reread this verse.  The peace within me has returned.


Dear Lord, You know how easy it is for me to get trapped and troubled by the worries of life.  Thank You for those Bible verses that remind me I am not alone and that I need not be afraid.  Help me to turn my worries and cares over to You more and more.  Fill me with the peace, comfort and hope that comes from a relationship with You.  And help me to share them with others.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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