Caring Makes Us Human
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Pastor Jeff Blain
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Caring Makes Us Human
by Pastor Jeff Blain

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.”  Genesis 2:15

[Jesus said,] “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13:34-35

Ever since the beginning of time, God has put us on this planet with the call to CARE.  (You just knew I would have to get a Genesis verse in here somewhere, didn’t you!)  The very first job that God gave humanity was caring for the earth.

And as you can see from the verse from John 13, when God walked this earth, He wanted us to be sure that we understood that our call to love and care for others was the very mark that would show the world we were followers of God. 

So how are we doing?  By all counts, not too good!

We live in a world that is badly polluted – and it only seems to be getting worse.  (While on a recent field trip with my daughter Erika’s class to the Milwaukee museum, I was reminded by one of the displays that scientists estimate that we are losing plant and/or animal species at an incredible rate!)  And when you look at the growing number of people both nationally and globally who do not have some of the most basic human needs like food, water, shelter, clothing, employment and health care, the scene is not very encouraging.

But lest we get discouraged by statistics, let us remember that it is precisely because we live in a hurting and broken world that God sent His Son, Jesus, into our world!  God is not giving up on the world – no way!  And so then neither are we!

In fact, God calls us to be a part of His plan to bring help and hope and healing.  Indeed, it’s been a part of His plan since the beginning of time.

Loving and caring for others is why God made us.  (See Ephesians 2:10!)  And to love and care for others is what makes us human.  Here at Ascension, as we make it one of our central aims to “CARE for Others,” we are trying to make sure that we enter more deeply and fully into humanity.  It’s not necessarily easy or fun – though often it is!  But it’s what we were made for.

So let’s go for it!  Not in our own strength.  But in the strength and power of the Lord.


You call us, O God, to CARE for Others.  Help us to do that well.  Help us to use all the ingenuity and creativity You have given to us to find new as well as time-tested ways to love and care for those around us.  And as we do that, help us to experience the JOY and FELLOWSHIP that You intended for us from the beginning and to which you are calling us for eternity.   In Jesus’ name, AMEN. 


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