Lenten Challenge
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Carol Glaman
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Lenten Challenge

by Carol Glaman

“Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.”  (Matthew 10:42)

Several years ago in my work group, we were discussing what people were giving up for Lent.  (Most of my work group were practicing Roman Catholics!)  There was some debate on whether it counted if the item given up were something not usually desired anyway – like creamed spinach, liver or anise!  Then one of the members offered that this year he was not giving up anything, he was adding something.

“Adding?” we asked.  Rather than deprive himself of something to remind him of Christ’s suffering, he was adding some act of kindness or service each day – a note or phone call to an old friend, helping at Loaves and Fishes, or shoveling the neighbor’s sidewalk in the morning.  Although he did not say so, he was clearly modeling our Servant King – Jesus.  This seemed to me to be the appropriate way to live during the Lenten Season – indeed to live during every season.

I intended to follow my friend’s example that Lenten season, but didn’t succeed much longer than the first week.  Every year since I have had the same good intention, but did not succeed in carrying it through the entire 40-day period.  However, this year allows me another chance; and I challenge you to do the same– to add something to each day during Lent – an act of service or kindness to another, or an extra devotion or Bible study to help your own spiritual growth.  

At the end of the Lenten season, we can return to our pre-Lenten selves (like the people who can finally eat chocolate bunnies at Easter), or we can continue with this now-established habit of adding something positive to each day.


Lord God, take me further down the path of service in Your name.  Help me to realize that the focus on whether the action is something “big” or “small” is not really the point.  Instead, even a cup of cold water given in Your name can help to spread Your love and bless the lives of others.  Make me a servant in Your Kingdom.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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