The Hand and The Shepherd
From the Open Files of: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center
Contributed by: Becky Williams
This file is available in: Word .doc, .rtf

The Hand and The Shepherd
by Becky Williams

“The Lord is my shepherd.”  Psalm 23:1a

I read of a simple way to think about this verse and the significance of how powerful the Lord is in our lives.  This may help you to remember to give thanks and praise to our God and Savior throughout the day. 

Hold out one of your hands about a foot in front of your face with your palm facing towards you.  As most of us have 5 fingers on each hand, assign each of the words of this Bible verse to one of your fingers.  Beginning with your pinky, give it the word “THE.”  Next, your ring finger gets the word, “LORD.”  Your middle finger and pointer get the words, “IS” and “MY” respectively.  Finally your thumb gets the word “SHEPHERD”. 

Now think about the significance of “SHEPHERD” being connected with your thumb.  The thumb is probably the most useful part of our hands.  We use our thumb for nearly anything our hand does.  Without our thumbs the daily tasks we take for granted would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to do.  Isn’t the same true of our lives when we try to live without our SHEPHERD?! 

As you are going about your life today, you will likely be making all kinds of use of your hands.  As you do that, take some time to remember and give thanks that the Lord is your Shepherd.  No matter where life takes you, you will never be alone.


Precious Lord, thank You for being my shepherd.  Please guide me today in all my ways.  Help me to use my hands and my life for Your purposes.  Protect me like a shepherd keeps the sheep.  And help me to know that even when things are out of my hands that they are still in Yours.  In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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