March 5


Read Luke 4:1-13.

Think about how the devil tempted Jesus. What temptations have you experienced this week? What things tempt you? (Clothes, cars, foods, things you see on TV, wanting to do what the crowd does, wanting all that your friends have) Do you or anyone in your family have addictions to overcome? Talk or think about ways you can avoid putting temptations in the way of others. Pray that you will have strength to keep from doing things that hurt yourself or others.

Dearest Lord Jesus,

You were tempted in all the ways we humans have been or are tempted and overcame those temptations. We know that we are sometimes tempted when we ______ , or see________, or hear_______. Give us strength to stand against those temptations and help us to keep from tempting or hurting others. In your name we pray. Amen


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version