March 29

The LORD has done great things for us, and we rejoiced. Psalm 126:3

Make a list of the great things God has done for you.




Thank you God for doing these great things for me. Amen

God's Greatest Gift

The greatest thing God has done for us is to send his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.

Next week you will be observing Holy Week to commemorate some of the special events during our Lord's Passion, or his suffering during his final days. These took place from the time of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his crucifixtion and resurrection. Begin preparing for this special time of the church year by thinking now about the most meaningful ways you can reflect on and share the story.

Some of the Events to Think About

Jesus enters Jerusalem, Jesus cleanses the temple, authorities plot to kill Jesus, Judas offers to betray him, preparation is made for the Passover meal, Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper, Peter and the other disciples promise to always support Jesus, Jesus prays in Gethsemane, Judas betrays Jesus, Jesus is arrested, brought before the Sanhedrin and condemned, Peter denies his Lord, Jesus is judged and condemned by Pilate, he is scourged and mocked, he is forced to bear his cross to Golgotha, he is helped by Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross, he speaks to the women of Jerusalem along the way, he is nailed to the cross, he speaks seven last words, dies, is taken from the cross to a tomb and on the third day rises from the dead.

Ways in Which People Remember the Stories

During Holy Week some churches and individuals read the entire Passion history as it was compiled from all four gospels. In the Middle Ages, when few people could read, churches provided pictures or statues portraying Christ's journey and invited parishioners to ponder them as if they were making a miniature pilgrimage in the Holy Land. These came to be known as stations of the cross. Drama depicting the events developed into Passion Plays. The word Passion may also refer to musical settings of the story such as those composed by Bach and based on the Gospel of Mark and of John, and others by more recent composers. Great hymns have been written about events in the story and it has been the theme of great art over the centuries. The most recent major attempt to portray the events on film is the movie, "The Passion of Christ", by Mel Gibson.

No matter what media you select to aid your reflection, always return to a quiet prayerful reading of the story in the four gospels.


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version