March 22

Read Psalm 32

Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Happy are those to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. Psalm 32:1-2

Psalm 32 is a psalm of thanksgiving. The writer has been forgiven. He is HAPPY!

Dear God,

Thank you God for forgiving us. Thanks you for setting us free to live joyfully.

What Makes You Happy?

Make a list of what makes you thankful and happy. Look at your list and decide which ones are real needs and which ones are "wants". Needs are those things we really need to stay alive even if we had to leave our home in a natural disaster or a war. The psalmist lists some needs that are not objects, but items such as love and forgiveness. They may be even more important than objects we can touch.

During this Lenten season examine the many things we want or own that may even have become our idols. (Designer products, latest entertainment, certain foods, sports items, etc.) List things you bought last month. Which one were just '"wants"? Did you covet what your friends or neighbors have? What words do advertisers use to get us to think we need their products? Look at ways you can share with the less fortunate. Ask God to forgive your greed and to help you rejoice in his love and forgiveness.

Make a "Thank You God Concentration Game"

Find, draw, or photograph a double set of pictures of basic needs that have been met in the life of your family. (Include pictures of ways of giving love and care and of learning about God. Also include pictures of foods, shelter, clothing, and health and safety items. ) Glue the pictures to cards of the same size and similar backing. Place all of the cards face down on a table and take turns trying to locate matching pairs. If you find a pair, say, "Thank you God, for ________." Draw cards until you do not find a match. Then the next player has a turn.


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version