March 20

Spring Begins Today.

The vernal equinox is the time in March when the sun is directly over the equator. Because of the tilt of the earth the places where the rays are directly overhead changes. As the earth moves around the sun the direct rays of the sun move further and further north and the days lengthen.

The word "Lent" is related to the Middle English word "lenten" and the Anglo Saxon word "lencten" which mean spring and from lang, which means long and refers to the lengthening of the days in spring in the northern hemisphere. One German word for spring is Lenz. German people call this liturgical season "Fastenzeit" or time for fasting.

As we enjoy the changing seasons, reflect on the time God has given us and the ways to use that time wisely.

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version