March 17

Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; Isaiah 55:6


Dear God,

We come to you as we read your word. We repent of those things we have done wrong. You want us to understand your love and care. You want to forgive. Thank you. We come.

In Jesus' name,


Seeking God As We Read the Bible

If you have a Bible given to you when you were a child, look carefully at it again. What study helps did it have? (Maps, cross references, pronunciation keys, concordance, etc.) Compare it with other versions or translations. Use the study helps and the different translations as you read the texts suggested for these Lenten devotions.

Increase your understanding of the Holy Land and the places mentioned in the Lenten narratives by using modern technology. Use or have someone help you learn to use search engines on the Internet to learn more about festivals, customs, and places.

Most of all, ask God for understanding as you faithfully read the Word.


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version