March 12

Symbols are pictures or objects that help us remember ideas.

Symbols are often used in religious art and architecture.  What objects would help us remember the story of Christ's suffering and passion? How could you use these symbols to tell one of the passion stories?

(Cross, lamb, palms, stone, towel and basin, crown of thorns, nail, whip, spear, bread, wine chalice, robe, rooster, donkey, pieces of silver)

Use a concordance to find where in the Bible the object is mentioned.


Dear Heavenly Father,

There are many objects and symbols in your world that remind us of your love for us. Help us to use them to tell the story of Jesus to others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

Use Symbols to Tell the Stories

Make a Lent and Easter Touch and Feel Box.  Adults may want to make one for or with a child or as a gift for a busy Sunday School teacher.

Cut a hole large enough for your hand to reach into a covered box.  

Collect or make small objects such as the ones listed above to put into the box. Think of some of your own to add to the collection.

Try to guess what the object you touch is as you feel the things in the box. When you take it out try to tell the Bible story that goes with it or find where in the Bible the object is named.


© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version