Good Friday
Christ on the Cross
Painting by Walter Kuse
Read one or more of the following texts.
Isaiah 52:13--53:12
Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25 or Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
John 18:1--19:42
Look at the crosses you have on your wall or in your jewelry box.
Some of them are very beautiful. The real cross on which Jesus died
was not pretty. To people in Jesus' time it was a place or thing used
to kill prisoners. They thought of it as we would think of an
electric chair today. They would not have worn it as
Think about how much Jesus loved us. He was willing to die on the cross so our sins could be forgiven and we could live with him forever.
Find and sing the hymn, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".
© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr.
Hildegard Kuse
Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version