April 7

The Last Supper

Judas Dipping in the Dish With Jesus

Painting by Walter Kuse

Wednesday in Holy Week

Jesus, said, "One of you will betray me." John 13:21

Read from one or more of the following texts.

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Psalm 70

Hebrews 12:1-3

John 13:21-32

When Jesus announced at the Passover meal with his disciples, that one of his inner circle would betray him, most of the disciples were totally astonished and dismayed. Judas, who had been an ardent follower at first, had become disillusioned because he had apparently wanted a messiah who would show leadership against Roman oppression, not one who spoke of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice. Judas was also the treasurer of the group and occasionally would appropriate funds for his own use.

Jesus knew the weaknesses of his followers and predicted that Peter would deny even knowing him. Other disciples who stated that they would remain steadfast also fled when Jesus was arrested. How easy it is to be critical of these men. What would we have done in similar circumstances?

Do we deny that we know Jesus? Do our speech and actions turn others away from Jesus?

Dear Lord,

Send your Spirit to us so that we may confess you as Lord and Savior.

In your name we pray,



© Rev. Dr. Loretta Kuse and Dr. Hildegard Kuse

Bible verses taken from the New Revised Standard Version