Wild Sarsaparilla |
Wild Sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) Wild Sarsaparilla Leaves and Flowers Where Are Our Roots? As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7 (NRSV) The way in which a plant is rooted in the ground affects its growth. Wild Sarsaparilla has fleshy, long, creeping rhizomes. While moving some loose soil such a long fleshy root was found. It seemed to extend far beyond the place where the plant originated. The creeping rhizomes of this plant help it to establish new colonies of plants. Wild Sarsaparilla Roots The “roots” of a believer need to be in Christ Jesus the Lord. If growth is to take place and new “colonies” of believers established they need to come from being rooted in Christ. Being rooted and built up in Christ and growing in faith, the Christian is enabled to give thanks over and over for the life-giving strength obtained from the Lord. The Christian abounds in thanksgiving. Dear Lord, Things to Think About and Do
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