Wild Ginger |
Wild Ginger Wild Ginger is a member of the Birthwort family. It blooms in April and May. Wild Ginger Bud
The flower forms at ground level between and beneath two hairy, heart-shaped leaves. The flower is cup shaped, pale in the center, and maroon or reddish-brown on the edges and outside. It has three pointed lobes. Wild Ginger Leaves
Sometimes the flowers lie under leaf litter and are pollinated by beetles. (Fields, p. 80). Wild Ginger Flowers
By fall the seed ripens in fall inside a six-celled, mealy fruit. It splits and turns inside out when ripe. Some fall around the base of the plant. Ants may pick up the seeds from the mushy pulp and carry them away, thus helping in the propagation process. (Cullina, p. 246) Wild Ginger Root or Rhizome “In early medicine, wild ginger was highly regarded as a treatment for whooping cough. It has also been used for digestive stomach upset, chest complaints, fevers, heart palpitations, and many other ailments.” (Runkel and Bull, p. 43) Some Native American tribes chewed the root and then moistened their lures with the substance to attract more fish.
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