Wood Anemone Anemone quinquefolia |
Wood Anemone Anemone quinquefolia Wood Anemone The name Anemone comes from the Greek term meaning “wind”. Sometimes the flowers are called “Wind flowers” perhaps because they tremble in the breeze on their slender stalks. Wood Anemone Leaves or Bracts The flowers have four to nine white sepals that are often pink on the reverse side. They can be from one-half to one inch wide. They open during the day and close at night or on cloudy days. The flower nods downward when it closes. There are numerous stamens and pistils in the center. The flowers stay open for several weeks. Wood Anemone Blossom Faint lines on the sepals may serve as guides to help insects find nectar. Wood Anemone Flower After they are pollinated by insects the flowers turn brown and fall off. Fruits form and fall off the plants in a few weeks. Leaves remain a little longer but then are also shed.
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