B2K Bible 2000

From the Open Files of:

The Idea Bank of the South Dakota Synod Resource Center

Contributed by:

Hope Lutheran and First American Lutheran Church

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B2K Bible 2000


"Book of the Month Club"
A new millennium scriptural renewal program

If you follow this reading program during the year 2000 it will take you through twelve books of the Bible. These twelve books will give you samples of several authors who have each let their faith speak across the ages. These folks spoke in very different ways about God being present in their lives. You will find in these authors not so much a desire to understand God as a desire to come to grips with God, that God is Lord within the life of the faithful.

As you read, read as if you were reading a good book, for the Bible truly is the good news of our salvation. Read the Gospel of Mark as if it were a biographical novel. Read Genesis as if it were the story of a peoples' history that you're a part of. Read John as if you'd never heard about Jesus before. Read Revelation for a message of hope in Christ, and don't get hung up on the apocalyptic symbols and details. Read Acts out of curiosity about the early church and the first Christians.

Don't try to believe the things you read - instead just read. Remember that believing is the task of the Holy Spirit. May you grow in faith by the power of the Holy Spirit in your devotion to the Word of God.

Read: The Gospel According to Mark
"And immediately. . ."

Read: The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
"How shall Christians live?"

Read: Genesis
"In the beginning. . ."

Read: The Gospel According to John
"Truly, truly I tell you. . ."

Read: The Acts of the Apostles
"There came a sound like a rush of wind. . ."

Read: The Letter of Paul to the Romans
"Creation itself will be set free . . ."

Read: I Samuel
"Samuel anoints Saul as ruler over Israel."

Read: 2 Samuel
"David becomes king of all Israel and Judah."

Read: The Gospel According to Matthew
"Blessed are the poor in spirit. . ."

Read: The Psalms
"The hymnal of ancient Israel."

Read: The Revelation to John
"I am the Alpha and the Omega. . ."

Read: The Gospel According to Luke
"And she gave birth to her firstborn son. . ."

Monthly Discussion Meetings

"Book of the Month Club" members who wish to talk about the books they're reading are invited to meet with Pastor Peck during the first week of each month. These will be informal gatherings over coffee and cookies and fellowship. The meetings will take place during Pastor Peck's regular office hours at First American and Hope. If you cannot come to the meetings, please feel free to call the pastor or visit with her another time if you come across questions.

First American in church basement -First Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

Hope in church basement -First Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m.


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